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Tricky Problem...... to be g/f has license but i don't....


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I have a tricky problem....

Ok, i want to ask this girl out to go bowling but i don't have my license yet, and she does. What i was wondering is if it would seem odd to get her to pick me up on the way there and drop me off back at my house on the way back home? and if it doesn't seem odd then how do i go about asking her? Though if i don't get her to do that then won't it seem pretty awkward when we finish bowling and she drives away and i have to wait for my friend to pick me up?

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lol, i'm kinda in the same situation except we're already going out. Why not just pay for the bowling instead of both? I mean sure, if she's gonna go out with you and stuff, why be so tight about money and she'll kno the age difference so she should understand ur situation. Lol, u'd feel bad about it hey, girl drivin guy out instead of the other way around...i kno i did.


Happy Heb

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hello...well being a girl and for some reason always having been the one who drives I have no problem with a guy asking me out and then asking if I can pick them up. They often offer to pay for the petrol, which is a good gesture...But personally I don't see a problem...its 2003 it kinda happens

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