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I want to give my boyfriend head!!


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So ok, I have this PLAN, right? I've never done this before. I am gonna tie him up - his hands and his feet and i'm gonna blindfold him with a bandana and I'm going to RAPE him! I've been wanting to be dominant on all levels like that for a long time. I bet he's gona dig that b/c he won't know what I'll be doing next and suspence is a great tool. Anyhow, my question - specifically in what ways do guys like head? I know the area around the actual head of the dick is very sensitive and ill trace around it with my tongue and lick the bottom of the shaft and all that other stuff, but i am worried about the details. like, how long should i go on? how long is it gonna take him to cum? should i keep going AFTER he cums, hoping that he'll cum again? should i swallow (I dont mind)?.......tips tips. come on

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wow, you will have a very happy b\f! {although i dont care to be tied up n' all} nothing more will come out after he cums {uuhh... he does know that your planing this right?} always swallow it makes it more pleasurable for him. if you wanna do it agian you will probly have to wait about 15 minits in which time you can do whatever else then he will be able to get hard agian and you can repeat as many times as you feel like =} other than that just kinda play w\ it a little bit like go for a while then when you think he is about to cum then do something else for about 20 or so seconds and keep doing that until he finally does cum or you feel like you want him to, this makes it MUCH more pleasurable for both of you. {man I wish you were my girlfriend too LoL}

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