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I recently just broke up with my boyfriend of 10months due to distance. We had a huge argument, said things we shouldnt of and it just ended. Obviously im still majorly in love with him, i cant get him outta my mind, i cry myself to sleep and night knwoing that im never going to get the 'Night night baby, i love you xxxxx' txt msgs anymore. Knowing that i wouldnt hear him say i love you, knowing that i cant cuddle him like i used to. Ive been so messed up over it. Ive never loved someone as much as i loved him, i realise im only 16 and i need to get on with my life but i felt we were soul mates. Before we were an item he helped me out thru major depression, he was there for me when i was so upset over soemthing i felt it wasnt worht living far. He steered me away from it, now ive lost him. We broke up ona saturday, that night he went out, smoked a lot of weed and drank a lot of alcohol and apprently got over me, he then got a new girlfriend the following monday. I felt my world had collapsed. I just feel so stupid for loving someone who doesnt love me back. After way about 2 weeks ago we started talking again, then he came out with 'I still love you, you know' and i told him it wasnt fair on me coz he knw how messed up vie been over the situation. So then things went back top us not talking. I rang him on saturday night drunk outta myface. I confessed everything to him, how i felt, what i thought, everything. I ended up crying downt he phone to him and he sent he still loved me but he really liked his girlfriend. Im so confused over it. I just dunno where i stnad. I know i should forget about him and move on but i compare every new lad to him y'know? It so hard trying to get over something you love. I truly do love him and i dont think he understands that. I dont think he understadns what he's missing out on to be honest. I knwo that sounds vain but he dumped me in at the start of this year coz another girl liked him, i found out she was playing him and told him, i was the one cheering him up, i was the one cuddling him saying everythings ok, i was the one who was htere for him. I guess i just feel used?

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breakups are always hard, especially when youve been together for a while and have gotten close. its gonna hurt for some time yet, but you have to remember why you broke things off.


you shouldnt rush getting over him, age is no excuse. im 16 and it ALWAYS takes me ages before i get used to a breakup and im a guy, and we're supposed to not be all emotional.


its also always hard when they start going out with someone else, it hurts to see it and also makes you jealous, even if you dont wanna be with them anymore.


take some time, rest up. hes moved on....very quickly...which means one of two things:


1. he is having a rebound relationship


and, as hard as it is to contemplate, its possible...


2. he never cared about you


you need to just be alone for a bit, its normal, in a month or so itll be a lot better, trust me

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