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ok here goes i just moved to a new school and i made the softball team and everything well some gurls on the team don't like me and have been trying to get me kicked off for the past 3 weeks. They told the coach that i was cussing and that i told them i was gonna beat them up then they told him that i was smoking in the bathroom and that i got caught and that i got in trouble and thats why i was not at school. When i didn't do any of that and i just feel like killing myself because of it. Because nobody would care. I have so much shit going on in my life and i just wanna get away from it all!!!!!!!!!! So please help me b4 i do something to hurt myself!!! I already have the date and how i am gonna do it some please help me b4 12-01-03!!!!!

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Ok first off- I can say I'm not much of one to critisise @ this moment, coz i am goin through it an all, i have the date + the how i am gonna do it.

But I can say, even how bad i feel there are ppl who care 4 me, and care 4 u 2.

Teenage girls can b***h, thats our nature...well some of us, i have the exact kind off girls @ my school.

I'm not goin 2 say " dont do it, think of all the ppl who love you + u can get help" but i will say this, DO NOT KILL URSELF OVER SUM STUPID IMMATURE GIRLS. dont let them win, it will just add to their already big ego. There are ppl out there, who can help, or @ least relate. Try talking to sum1 b4 u do n e thin stupid.


Feel free to email me @ email removed


Luv Rogue

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They are not worth it! Sit down and talk to the coach, tell him your side of the story. People care, no matter if you feel like it or not. So those girls that you are better than that, don't take their crap. Stand up, be strong and don't let them get to you - that's what they want.

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I can tell you first off that these little girls bothering you are just jealous, you have something they don't, and that could be beauty, intelligence, or any other great characteristics about yourself, you've probably been told this before, but don't let them get to you, you know your better than that, life is much more complicated, if something this small is gonna get you down like that, then you better be prepared for what lies ahead, life only gets better if you make it that way, sometimes you have to play ignorant to sh*t like this, act as if you don't care, in time, these girls will realize that they can't get to you, you need to make yourself stronger, both mentally and physically, so when things like this happens, you can just sit back and laugh at it, next time these little shkanks come pull that crap again, just go up to them, get in their little faces, don't get angry, just be serious, and tell them, whats on your mind, then you can tell them to f*** off!, but that comes last, just don't let them get to you, their just jealous, their not hating, their just admiring...in the end, you'll be alright...trust me

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Ive always said suicide is never the answer and that its the pussys way out, but ive been feelings very suicidal lately and god knows why. Like people have said, they're not worth it. Give them a piece of your mind, get people on your side, show that what the ehll your made opf and dont et them win, hell, if it goes too far wrestle the b1tches down to teh ground and kick the shit outta them

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