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How can I tell if she's really interested?

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I'm a bisexual 20-something, and I work with the world's most adorable woman, who is also bi. We spend a lot of time together outside of work, and I'd say we're pretty good friends. A couple of weeks ago, she was trashed, and I kissed her. On the forehead, on the side of her neck, nothing too intense. I didn't want to freak her out if she wasn't into it. Since then, I've told her that if what happened upset her, that I was sorry, but that if it didn't, I was going to kiss her again the next chance I had! But I've kind of chickened out. She's not encouraging me, but she's not discouraging me either, and I don't want to ruin the friendship we have now....what should I do? Is she giving me the go ahead? Is she just being nice? Ah, women...

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