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did I just shoot myself in the foot with how I behaved?


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Hi all there is this guy that I origionaly was going to have a mere fling with and we slept together and I am now liking him. I don't know what to make of it .He calls me about every other day and he always ask me if everything is okay. I dont know how to handle things or what to think and he tells me I act like I am freaking out. Well I told him it's just an ackward situation for me and that he calls me more than I expected he would and I don't know what to say when he calls me. Ideally when a guy you like calls you a lot you should be happy right? I am happy but I am highly skeptical of him so I sometimes come off like I am worried. Anyways to all the guys there would you think I am crazy for my behavior and what I said or would you understand? Also I have been waiting for him to call me, I am thinking that way i don't come off too eager is that a good idea? thanks.

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I dont know why people play these phone games,


You like him, he likes you, just forget who called who and all that, dont need to complicate life over phone calls.


You should feel lucky that this guy you had a fling with still takes you seriously, you know the cliche' that guys they never call you the next day.


If your not looking for anything long term, just tell him. maybe your not used to a guy actually calling you back after you have had sex with them, thats what gentlemen are supposed to do.

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