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Does he still feel anything for me? Or is he using me?

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I'm so confused my ex broke it off because things were getting to serious before i move away later this month.


He chased me and first said he loved me and couldn't believe that i was going out with him e.t.c. the last time i saw him he met my parents and the last thing he said to me was 'love you i'm missing u already' 4 days later he broke up with me over SMS. I was devastated realising i actually love him so much and it hurts not being with him.


I avoided him for a month or so but bumped into him in a club he ignored me when i confronted him he said he was scared of seeing me. I said i wanted to be friends or at least civil. The next time i saw him he was with another girl who was sitting on his lap e.t.c. it felt like a kick in the stomach but i saw him again later without the girl and he attracted my attention by pinching my bum and trying to hug me. He wanted to meet up but it never happened because my messages blocked my phone.


I then saw him last thursday and again he kept touching me as he walked past in the club, and i was sitting down by some stairs and he would walk past my table 3 or 4 times up to the bar but would return with nothing as if he was doing it for the hell of it. So i sent him a SMS and jokingly how he owed me money! Usually he never replied to my SMS or if so it was blunt. Instead he replied with 'sometime soon gorgeous x' which really confused me because he always addressed me as gorgeous and follow his message with a x


I sent back a message asking if he had a good night he never replied is he using me hoping i'll still hang around 'waiting for him' or does he have any feelings for me?

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Darn this guy has some weird @$$ probablems... Well anyway, it sounds like to me he trying to mess with your head. He ignores you but still acts like hes attracted to you, he wants you to think about him like this because he probably wants to confuse you, but I don't know for sure. You should try ignoring him for awhile and see what he dose. If he still acts the way he is now then you should to talk to him and ask to get back together. If he still ignores you then just move on. I hope that helps.

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