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Need advice. How to ask her out see where it may go?

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Last night I went to the concert with my friends. We were sitting in one of those private lounges that my company owns. Lounges are open enough that you can see/talk to the "neighbors" if you wish in other adjacent lounges. We were drinking and out of my silliness I started talking to these two girls in the lounge next to ours (not a very deep conversation though). As I was talking to one of the girls I asked them if I can take their picture with my camera (for no particular reason). They agreed. Later in the night as they were leaving I saw the girls and politely said goodbye one of the girls said good bye and that it was nice to meet me (which kinda sparked my interest that she would say that), she left.... A few seconds later she came back and had asked me if I could send her the picture that I took. I told her to give me her email and had asked her to repeat her name to me because I had forgotten by then. I want to emal her and ask her something that could result in a date or seeing her again, she seemed interested in me (or at least I think so {Do any of you ladies think that she might be attracted to me by those settle signs?})


I need some suggestions on what I can say in the email that could give me a chance to see her again. Rememeber that I did not get into a big converastion with her.


Thanks for your help!

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Email the photo, say something light and flirty in the body of the email and then ask her an innocent question to make it easy to respond to the email. If she is interested then she will write back (answering the question) and asking you one. Go from there.


Or maybe mention that you will be going to XYZ show (in the same vein as the one you met at) and ask if she will be going and "maybe I will see you there")


Or tell her that you owe her a drink because she made such a great suject on the picture.


DON'T just come right out and ask her for a date - take the back door. Be light and funny and teasing. Look like a pro.


Be prepared for it to go nowhere as well, and if it does then don't care.


That's my advice

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tell her she owes you coffee for emailing the pic. she will probably laugh at that. ask her where her and her friends go on the weekends when they go out. she would feel more comfortable if her friends were there. then go out with ur buddies.

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tell her she owes you coffee for emailing the pic. she will probably laugh at that. ask her where her and her friends go on the weekends when they go out. she would feel more comfortable if her friends were there. then go out with ur buddies.


Disagree with the above. Lose the friends. Stand on your own two feet, you don't need the wingmen/women getting in the way - that's just a distraction.

Maybe she will laugh at the "owe you coffee for emailing", but that's just the point - it's funny and light hearted, make sure it sounds that way.

I'm telling you, if she is interested then it will work.


This is just my point of view however.

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Disagree with the above. Lose the friends. Stand on your own two feet, you don't need the wingmen/women getting in the way - that's just a distraction.

Maybe she will laugh at the "owe you coffee for emailing", but that's just the point - it's funny and light hearted, make sure it sounds that way.

I'm telling you, if she is interested then it will work.


This is just my point of view however.


Yeah I'd drop the friends part too. She is defiantly into you. I;' bet money she'd be more than willing to go out with you.


I love the "you owe me a cup of coffee" (Clementine orange that's genius), but make it a date not a get together.


BTW coffee is my fav first date stop, tell her to meet you there, do you can bolt if she's crazy.

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Hey guys,


Here is what my email was


Hey Skyler,

It was my pleasure meeting you last night, I hope you had a great night ( I know I had a blast!) I don’t think I'm gonna take (or wash) Justin's (we were at the justin timbirlake concert) tee shirt off for a week. Are you going to any other concerts anytime soon? I might go to Red hot chilly papers this Wednesday. Here is the picture of you and your friend I took last night (emailed as promised). I think I owe you a cup of coffee for being such a good picture subject!


below the main email body my email signiture (name, place of work etc)


I have not heard from her yet. But I am not too stressed if she does not answer, it would be her loss.

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