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i love a girl has a boyfriend but says she loves me

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i recently found out that this girl i really liked likes me alot too and recently weve been going places and hanging out more and we have grown to love each other. before you question if we are in love i must add that we have known eachother for the past 4 years of highschool and have gone out once before but stopped dating for reasons that had nothing to do with our relationship over the years we have grown to be very close friends and we just recently confessed to eachother that we love eachother alot but she has a boyfriend and they just hit a year and 2 months and she says she is in love with both of us which i kinda believe is possible she says that i listen to her and that her boyfriend doesant listen to what she has to say and that he yells and argues with her all the time and that they are always in and out of fights what i was hoping for some advice on what i should do she has been leaning to the point of breaking up with him should i keep this up and see or what ??? plz help

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If she really loves you like she says she would be willing break up with her boyfriend to be with you. Has she ever mentioned that? If she isn't willing to do that I would try to move on to someone who is willing to actually be with you. As much as it may suck, it will suck a lot more to continue to get your heart crushed from loving a girl who is in love with someone else.

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it seems she has the ho gene.


Out of all the situations that ive seen where a guy gets involved with a girl while they still have a boyfriend, it always ends badly. Even if she eventually leaves him for you, if she cheated on him, you can have no expectations that she wont cheat on you.


Stay away from her for some time.

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