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Another spanner in the works advice appreciated!

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Ok so my ex broke it off with me a couple of months ago because i'm moving away and he felt things were getting to serious before i left and when we were together things couldn't be better but when we were apart things felt different.


He had met my parents before he broke up with me and i think that was the reason.


Anyway basically i keep bumping into him (avoiding him is hard because i'm not going to stop going to all the places i like just because he might be there). But he ignored me the first time i saw him and i confronted him apparently "things felt akward". The second time i saw him with another girl but then later on he was trying to hug me and get me to meet him for coffee which never transpired because my phone blocked my messages from coming through.


And then i saw him again last night and we didn't actually speak in the club but each time he walked past me he'd try and tickle me e.t.c. so i jokingly sent him an SMS (probably a big mistake) saying he owed me £5 which he did and he replied with "you can have it sometime soon gorgeous x" which was weird because messages were always so blunt between us.


But i wanted others opinions on this because i love him and i know i should move on but i can't!

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Sorry - but it's probably the classic move of him needing you as a fallback girl.


It's much easier to date other people, stay at home some nights, be 'single' when you know that there's a girl out there who you could easily hook up with.... just waiting for you.


Chances are the more interest you show in him the less attention he'll show you... but lemme tell ya - show up to the club with your arm around another guy and just watch all the attention paid to ya!


So ya need to decide - do you want someone that 'flighty' as your man? Or would you prefer someone who only has eyes for you, in love with you, wanting you? I'd assume the latter....

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You should ask him the next time u see him if you two can sit down and talk sumtime. if you really like him then you should tell him, if you decide you dont like him then tell him why - he will appreciate it more.

Ask him why he thinks your situation is awkward and tell him that nothing is going to stop you being friends or if you want to get back with him then tell him thats what you would like, he will probably end up telling you how he really feels!

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Hi couture,

It sounds like there is still lots of chemistry between your ex and you. Your little games do sound kind of tempting and playfull. And if you hang out in the same places well, you will keep seing each other again.

If I was you, I would just be aware and act cool. Let him persue you. But also be cautious. The fact that he flirst with you, until he makes some concrete move just means that. Flighty flirtatious until further notice.

Also we do not know what his intentions are. He could just bed you and that will be it. And then you will have to see him in these places all over again after being dumped twice. don´t take the risk. Check it out first. Proceed with caution.

It is not about being rude or playing games, as a very wise friend taught me, it is about self protection. Play along but be like an Empress. Remember couture YOU ARE A QUEEN, AN EMPRESS. You are diplomatic, yet polite, yet beautiful and alluring but not his anymore. You are worth a lot, and just some tiny little flirtations, tempting as they are, will not get you back. HELLO!!!!!!!! He dumped you!

Make sure you always look gorgeous. You won´t be able to help but being aware of him and finding it hard to move on if you always see him but you know what? With such a stylish name I am sure you are a very elegant lady on the outside. Show him your elegance and grace from the inside. Let him regret what he did. He is still obviously attracted to you. Don´t let him see you sweat couture. Let him come to you! Keep playing it cool. Even though inside you want him, you are doing great! Keep us posted. And remember YOU ARE A QUEEN. AS SOON AS YOU SEE HIM BECOME ONE.


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