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talking to a girl... i dont say anything...help??

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hey there

it goes like this, i have a proplem, i cant talk, i mean face to face, when im face to face with someone, espacily a girl, or talking in the phone, i simply got nuts, my head stops working, its like i havbe a total blalckout and i ran out of things to say,i simply say nothing, couse i dont what to say, the worst is minutes after the opertinity is over i start regreting that i didnt say this or that, and that makes me feel really bad about it

any ideas???

thanks alot

p.s: if this isnt in the right catgory sorry, i didnt know where to put it

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I have the same similar problem I've been trying too tackle it,

First, I think you've gotta learn too relax before approching a girl take a few deep breaths, Never plan on what too say this will increase tension and put you under more pressure and if you were me you'd end up stuttering you're words.


Never first jump straight into the deep end expecting a long meaning full convervsation,


Start with

1. noticeing girls and simle

2. then once comfortable with smilling say Hello, by doing this you'll start building bridges, and evenually you're confidence will increase and you'll get a little more comfortable around girls, and eventaually it becomes easier.

Then you'll start asking questions like "how are you" What U up too" all all that.


My councilor made me go places where I did not know anyone and try talking too them, then is you make a mistake it doe's not matter cause you'll never see them again, I had too talk too about ten people a day.

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the same thing used to happen to me all the time- then i did the worst thing that you could ever do in that situation. i made stupid jokes- made the girl laugh- but here is the downside- there is no respect- you think that it is the best thing to do in that kinda situation- but its not- i dont know what i can tell you- but i can tell you dont so that. believe me it is not a good idea.


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