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What is she afraid of???

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I was getting emotionally (not physically) close to a friend of mine.

She 'parted' with me, saying it was too intense for her.

I missed her terribly.

We ran into one another eventually, hugged, held hands, and talked about maybe getting together to talk.

I emailed her inviting her to lunch, no response.

I gave her some space, and then emailed her again.

I told her that I loved her and that I really missed her, that I cared about her wants, needs, thoughts, feelings, comfort level, etc.

She emailed back and told me that she is feeling confused, and that she is worried about the intensity and fear she has around relating to me.

She said that she will figure out what to do, and promised to tell me when she knew what to do.

Should I reply to her email?

Should I give her space?

What is she afraid of???


Advice pleeeese!!!

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Hey Hey!

I think I know what she's afraid of. If she was in a relationship before, she's afraid of getting hurt again. I mean..I am. But I was afraid when my 2-nd ex told me he loved me, I was afraid I'd get hurt, and I did, but at least we still friends with him.

Don't let her go. Try to be like very nice to her, always show her that you love her, kiss maybe on chick, and she'll probably fall in love with you sp deeply, that it (love) will be much stronger than her fear.

~Good Luck!

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IMO she's just not into you, so leave her alone. Nice advice huh? But seriously I've chased my old gf and she thrashed my pride. She was ready to stop picking up the phone, so I told her not to even bother. Seriously it's not too hard to tell if a girl is avoiding you. Try it from seeing her perspective.

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