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I need help to leave the house...!!

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I've lacked confidence for many years now, but it has now gone to another level where I cannot even set foot outside.


I get very nervous, there are even times where I do make an effort and get dressed to leave but the outcome is always me crying sitiing on my bed, hating myself for not leaving.


I've missed several appoinments with my GP, some of which are very important...


I need help, I want to know whats wrong with me and if there are any steps I can take towards overcoming this problemm.


It really eats me up inside and is killing me slowly.


Please could someone get back soon.


Thank you

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I'm afraid you have to leave the house and see a doctor. Call your doctor and simply explain the situation.


Your anxiety must me a terrible obstacle, but luckily you can recover from your agoraphobia. New meds have worked wonders to get people back into the game, and afterward, you can learn other ways to cope.

Even if it sounds impossible, at least discuss this with a professional.


I've seen others recover from this situation and live happy lives.

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There are things you can do.


It is called agorophobia. Google it, but make sure the things you read are from a reliable source. It can cause you more anxiety if you read something that lacks a reputable reference.


But in any case, you should also contact someone. Your regular doctor, start there and he/she can referr you to see someone who can deal with this.


Please do not panic, this is completely treatable. It is up to you however to take initiative and talk to your doctor. You owe it to yourself. Let us know how things go, we can help in the mean time!!

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Well I don't have any friend....just family...my sister know about it but everytime she coaxes me to leave, it doesn't seem to work,. then she gets fed up with me.


I've lost my friends because I simply didn't want to go out with them, as I've never really liked who I am and I'm paranoid of what people think of me.


I've heard of agoraphobia....is it a mental illness?


I feel like my life has been on hold too long now...

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One thing to remember, if it is agoraphobia...little steps. By that I mean to take everything in little steps. Instead of rushing out into the big ol' world all at once, you pause while getting the mail to enjoy a breeze, step out on the porch at night when its quiet, just because you can....just take it easy.


Good luck.

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Thank you so much.


I called the GP a week ago, i asked if I could have the doctor come to my home and when they asked why, I just hung up...


I'll try my best to leave, it just seems like such a struggle.


I forgot to add..I do go out at night which is very rare and its normally if I've run out of provisions at home, but that is tough still.

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Fix - I think someone said it best when they said Google it.


Look it up on WebMD maybe.

OH - there ya go, someone posted a link......well done Locke


I think the first step is to check it out for yourself and see if any of the symptoms even apply to you. But Dako is right aw well. You may need to see a Dr. of some sort anyway.


If its too dibilitating, at least call and see if there's any Dr who makes house calls. No hurt in checking, yeh?

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Try to call the doctor again and tell them you think you have agoraphobia.

It's not an uncommon problem.


You've probably suffered enough. Once you get help, you'll feel much stronger.


I had a co-worker who would call me in the morning when she couldn't leave the house, and sometimes she sat in the parking lot in her car, because she couldn't enter the building. Her doctor put her on antianxiety meds, and she was at work every day, started night school and became a realtor. It was truly amazing.

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I'm sorry, but what is a GP?


Don't EVER be afraid of asking a doctor to come to your home. You came here and asked us for help didn't you? Simply say that your having some problems with social anxiety that your trying to overcome and is there anybody that can help you.


Don't try to leave. Instead, try to find professional help that will show you how to overcome your fear completely. Thats the secret, gaining control over the fear that you have, so you rule it, not the other way around. Many agoraphobics are still fighting their fears after years of treatment, but THEY control it, not the other way around. They develop a reservoir of strength and bravery that allows them to face their fear and walk outside. You can do this too...remember, we are just a post away!

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One thing to remember, if it is agoraphobia...little steps. By that I mean to take everything in little steps. Instead of rushing out into the big ol' world all at once, you pause while getting the mail to enjoy a breeze, step out on the porch at night when its quiet, just because you can....just take it easy.


Good luck.


Thank you for that, I feel relaxed already..


I totally agree in taking things slow. I didn't have a good experience throwng myself in the pubic eye a few months ago.

I really want to breathe fresh air as much as possibe and smile to the world.


I want to travel, perform music live as I play guitar, help out in the 3rd world but i need to pluck up the courage first, it may take forever..


Thanks again everyone, really appreciate it and I'll ttry and keep you updated.

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Whoops, cross-post. Agoraphobia is a form of social anxiety. A pretty strong one too! It can take a person and make a total recluse of them.


Check this out for a quick description...

link removed


Ok maybe I am agoraphobic...I'm indoors everyday all day as of late, there are even times where I can't even put tthe rubbish out.


I do feel like a recluse and I feel my neighbours know it.

I doesn' help when your mother puts you down, calls you mad. oh well


I'll check the link, ty.

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Ok, now you have an idea what wrong. The next step is finding someone to help...call around to various clinics and ask for the names of doctors who work on phobias. Don't hang up when they ask whats wrong, remember that they WANT to help you, no matter the problem. Don't put it off, just do it carefully and methodicly (SP?)


And as for your mom, ask her to write down all her complaints, make a paper airplane out of them, throw them out the window and when you can, you'll go read it and deal with them.

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And as for your mom, ask her to write down all her complaints, make a paper airplane out of them, throw them out the window and when you can, you'll go read it and deal with them.


I like that idea.


I will also make it my mission to call around...



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Sooner or later, you'll find the help you need. It may take time, but don't give up no matter what you do.


You can do some self-therapy by taking those little steps I talked about. They will get you comfortable with being outside your home. It will take awhile, but eventually you won't find anything wrong with just walking out the door and smiling at a neighbor as you check the mail. You'll realize that your stronger than your fear.


Remember that you have friends here that want to help. We may not be able to hold your hand as you walk outside, but maybe we can cheer loud enough to give you the courage to do it on your own!

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Thank you so much for the friendly advice...


I rang the gp today...hallelujah, I'm just hoping I can pluck up the courage to go to the actual appointment which is on Monday...


Nerves kicking in already....I hate it when I startt making excuses in my head, I try to fight it, I try to think positive.


I'll make an effort to go and update you guys.


Thanks again

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