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Manicurst Career not gettng bettr

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hi. i graduated from beauty school...for doing nails... (the women know what im talking about...the manicures, pedicures, acrylics)...stuff like that


a lot of oriental salons are making it big time...

but it just seems as if ...i cant get anywere.... ive had a job for about 4 weeks now... and still havent built up a clientel... maybe its because some of my nails come off of certain people... i havent had enough money to buy a nail drill yet...and i went to a shop and they said that was my problem...you HAVE to have a nail drill


i just feel that ill never add up to what the oriental people make...there so quick and amazing... and i absolutly hated them... i despised of them... than i went to one and told them what my problem was...and he actually turned me around FULLY... I couldnt blieve how much he helped me.... and for that... he changed the way i thought of them 100%...


when you are working straight comission...and you only get what you bring in...no FOR SURE pay check every 2 weeks...



how do you hold your head up high?... how do you NOT give up...


i have another job interview on the 7th at a salon...


what if they offer better...


do i leave this place im at now...(They were nice enough to give me a booth and a chance...out of school even...) do i up and leave these nice people for the sake of myself...


do i even KEEP this career... or in some people...am i JUST NOT fit out for this perfession

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Now, I know nothing about your profession, BUT... you say you've only been at it for 4 weeks. That's barely a month. You need to give it more time. You can't expect to snap your fingers and have a nice big clientele. These things take time to build up. Your clients need to get to know you. Once they do, they'll refer you to their friends, and so on. Have you considered placing an ad in the paper?

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If I'm not mistaken, don't they teach you a little bit of everything at beauty schools?? By that I mean they don't just teach you how to do nails, they also teach you how to give haircuts, facials, waxing, etc. Well at least that's what most of the people I've talked have done and they were able to get into different professions.

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Not Alone.. I went to school for nails and worked in the profession for a short time - you have to build up your cliental before you start making steady money.


Sometimes its better to work some place that is willing to train you and also has an established cliental for you to work with.


As far as the other job... you could work both jobs if you wanted to... that will increase your clients and you will also get different techniques from both shops.

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If a nail drill will help you speed up your work and improve the quality of it, I would do whatever you can to get one. However, I doubt that's the only thing that contributes. I've gotten acrylics done twice without a nail drill. Once, it was awful and they fell off within days. The second time it was great, I kept the same set for nearly a year and my manicurist never needed to use a drill.


I don't know much about your field, but I'd imagine it takes much longer than 4 weeks to build up a client base. Be patient and stick with the salon that offers you the most growth - ie, the place that will enable you to learn more and eventually get more clients, not the place that will put you to work immediately and get you a small, unreliable client base right away.


For now, it may be beneficial to work a second job until you get your feet planted firmly in the ground with your first one. Do something in the evenings that doesn't require a lot out of you, but will give you reliable (even if small) income.

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Well you're be impatient.

It takes a lot of time to become skilled in ANY profession.

You've had a job for about 4 weeks - thats nothing - you're still green and learning.

Having any kind of diploma is not saying you're experienced enough.

You need to work much longer to be very good in your job, fast....and appreciated.

You can't become great so soon. It will take a lot of time.



Also, "and still havent built up a clientel... maybe its because some of my nails come off of certain people..."


Still - impatience

some of my nails come off - not experienced enough.

Work on these two things.

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I understand you totally as I have taken the course and do it as a part timer. First of all I really dont think that nail drills are the answer. secondly dont give up just becasue some nails come off you know as well as I do that it might not be your fault. third of all what do you want to do? you should work with a salon whihc pays money rather than comission and why not go mobile as part time and build your own cliental. 4 weeks is not a long time, make some flyers with special offers. good luck

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but...im afraid...what if it comes down to...i just SUCK...and im not good at what i do...


i really would like a drill...honestly...but...like i said...i cant pull one out of my butt right now and say HERE IT IS...


of course ill get a second job...i have an interview the 7th...and im waiting on that first...


i just wish i was as good as a lot of peopel out there...but when it coems down to it...i just feel depressed... i do them and they look so nice,...than the lady comes back and says some of them came off or are lifting...


i dont know...i am trying not to mention thigns to my friends about work and my life as much as i do...even my boyfriend... so i guess i figured i would turn to here and talk to you guys....



mzzyc if i could talk to you more since you understand me....that would be awsome.... jessLca6 (aim)


Yeah ...my beauty school does hair and all that...but i just wanted to go for nails so they just signed me up for nail classes....

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Sorry to hear that you doubt yourself. Well, practice makes perfect. The more you put into practice, the more closer you are as good as the oriental people.


Besides, you shouldn't hate the oriental people because they are better than you and are doing an amazing job. Though it is good to envy people as it encourage us to do better, but we shouldn't jealous of people who do better than us. Because you don't know the amount of effort and time they had put in to commit themself in this proffesion. Please do not blame others for your failure. It will take you nowhere.


So chin up girl, and commit yourself in this industry you will see the result given the enough time and effort.

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