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Advise Please....


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Hi. I wondered if anybody could offer some advise on flirting. Or not so much flirting but getting chatting with more guys when I'm out. I would like to meet some different guys but I hang around in a large mixed group and because of this I think not many guys approach me. Maybe they think I am already with somebody as I am chatting to the guys in my group I don't know. I don't think I make much effort either but I'd like to know how to. Without blowing my own trumpet I'm not unattractive, I'm friendly and bubbly but when I go out I just get into chatting and laughing all night with people I am with or already know well. I always feel rude if I'm talking to a friend whilst looking at somebody else so I don't. I just wants some hints on looking more open and if I see a guy I'm attracted to how to get him to notice me and come over and start chatting.......??????

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When you've had a few drinks or are feeling confident, wander off on your own.

Pretend that you have lost your crowd and look for them, while standing next to the guy you fancy.


If you got plenty of guts....Ask them if they have seen a short girl wearing red or whatever and when they say no, just sigh and look lost. Hopefully he will take your intitiative and start talking back to you.Even if he doesn't, at least he knows you exist and might come looking for you later. If he doesn't, don't waste your time, move on to the next guy, it's his loss

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I find that the best way to get guys interested is to just strike up a conversation with them, don't wait for them to initiate the commuinication....if they aren't interested you'll know...and well, if they are...you just took a proactive step in getting to know them better.

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