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The girl I like likes my best friend

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Ive liked this girl for 5-6 years (ive posted about her before). Shes one of my best friends since like the beginning of grade school but Ive never told her how I feel because I dont want to ruin this friendship. Shes really nice and smart and pretty, which is why ive liked her for so long.


Today I introduced my best friend to her. We talked for about 20 minutes then we had to leave. Then later tonight she called me and said that she really liked my friend. Shes a kind of person that usually takes a while to start to like people, so this came as a shock to me. So she asked me to ask my friend about it. And he liked her too...


Now, not only am i jealous as hell of my friend, but im worried about both of them because theyre probably gonna go out and the first thing they said about each other is that the other one was hot. And they dont go to the same school.


Not only that, but my friend has a date pending with this girl that he knows and suddenly hes questioning it.He was going to ask her out on monday, and now he doesnt know. He asked me before to hint at it to this girl and now what am I going to tell her?


I dont know what to do. Maybe im just insane but is it possible that this is just lust? I need some help im battling between 2 friends and my mind.

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I'm going to tell you what you don't want to hear, but you need to back off your friend and this good girl friend of yours and let them have their way. I know you like her, and it will be hard...but man, you can't hide for 5-6 years that you like someone...if you do, you've got to act on it. She probably doesn't like you like that and you're just a good friend to her because you've never made any moves. I know it sucks, but don't sit and ponder this one girl, go out and meet others man.


As for your two friends who like one another...I hope since you're a good friend, you'd want the best for them both(and I know that's the hardest thing to do for someone you like), but what I wouldn't do...is get INVOLVED. I know they're your friends and close ones, but DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT GET IN THE MIDDLE...stay out of it. You will be a crying shoulder to one or both of them if it ever ended badly between them for some reason and it could just lead to a huge problem for your friendships.


So...tell your best guy friend you think she's interested, and let him make his moves. As for the other girl, he's allowed to date more than one girl as long as it's not a serious relationship...so let him tell her he'd rather not go out with her if that's what HE wants. You don't have to do your friend's work in dating. I'm sorry this sucks...but there are others, don't wait for this one girl, you're wasting time...I mean look already...5-6 years? You know how many girls you could've gone out with in that time?(I dont know maybe you have been going out with others, but just don't wait for her) Good luck

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Yeah I know you're right. Ill try to take action on that advice. One problem though, Im in the middle right now no matter what I do about it. They dont want to call each other because they both think its coming on too strong, so im the mesenger for them now.

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