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you all made good points, especially you emptysoul, i seen your view better. if you don't already know about the situation, heres a quick recap, for the past little while, i've been messin around with this girl who has a boyfriend, which she's been dating for 3 YEARS.

Today, for the first time, I meet her boyfriend, and you'll never guess where........ i met him at my work.....lol....because he works there to...lol....what are the chances, so anyway i meet him...lol...and it's his girlfriend that introduces us to one another, so I say "whats up", he says the same, only he can't look me in the eye, and his voice was low, almost like a mumble, at first i could'nt understand why she betrayed him, but after meeting him and seeing the way he looked (and don't tell me looks have nothing to do with it) and his attitude, no wonder she cheated on him, personally I think i should persue this, i really like this girl.

so tell me what you think about that, do you agree or disagree, give me your advice.

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i personally disagree wih you. what are you thinking about? Have you ever think of that guy feeling? What if it happen to you. What would you feel??? Lets say if you go on if this gal then after sometime she meet a handsome guy and fall in love with him, dont you feel sad?

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I'm with Dashel on this one... my experience in this type of situation has NEVER been a very good one.


There's a reason why she is dating you and NOT leaving her boyfriend of 3yrs. She's obviously unable to be on her own for any length of time - otherwise she'd simply leave this guy she's not happy with and pursue other relationships.


Bottom line - my experience has been that women who do this to others WILL do it to me when the time comes. They boy-hop and can't stay in anything very long without either cheating or looking for other opportunities. Not a very solid foundation if ya ask me.

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