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How do they feel after they dump her?

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ok, i have a question for guys out there or for anyone who wants to answer....if a guy dumps a girl that they say they care more about than anyone and they had talked about marrying her how do they feel after they dump her? do they hate her or do they still have feelings for her?

Is it possible that a guy breaks up with a girl that they want to be with but do it cause they are confused and dont know if they are doing the right thing?(especially if they are divorced from a woman who treated them really bad) do you miss not being with the girl when everything was great? i mean no real arguments and stuff I guess the guy could be afraid of committing.......does a guy ever go back to the girl??? i know a lot of people on here say that you wouldnt of broken up in the first place if it was right but i know lots of people who broke up at one point or other and ended up married and very happy.....

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Well, being a guy who has been in a similar situation (the dumper) I can atleast shed some light as to my own personal experience with it.


As far as how does a guy feel? I felt relief at first, I had finally gotten honest with the girl and let her go. Up to that point I was saying quite a bit of nice stuff to her only to keep her happy and her worries at bay that I wasn't really that happy with her. I didn't talk about marriage, but I know she thought I was head over heels for her - because of how I talked/treated her....like a princess.


After a few weeks (give or take) I felt remorse/guilt/horrible for hurting someone I cared about. I wanted to make her happy again, wanted her to smile and be in my arms....but it was too late - I couldn't do it.


More time passed and she moved on. It was kinda funny cause as soon as I found out she had hooked up with someone else I INSTANTLY wanted to call her and start trying to pursue her again. Why? Who knowz. I don't think it's love...I think it's more of a jealousy/challenge kinda thing for me. The entire time she wanted to be back with me I could care less other than feeling bad that I had caused her pain....but as soon as she was done with me I just had to try and get her back....duh.


I didn't try though and enough time has passed we have both moved on...


Just my xp.

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so if i act like i am not interested in him and stuff and dont tell people around him that i still love him and stuff then i have the possiblity of getting him back......i feel like he does still love me and stuff but i dont want him to think i am sitting around waiting until he follows his heart or comes back.....


another question.....he dated a girl before me that he was set up with and didnt care about but he stayed with her for a year and broke up and got back together sometime in that year but then he meets me and says that he is crazy about me and doesnt desire to be with anyone else, plans on marrying me and then we break up and it has been two months. i am the first girl he has asked out in the three years he was been divorced from his wife.....what does all this mean?????????

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