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At a Crossroad!

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Im at a crossroad in my career right now, would really appreciate some advice and information on this one.


I have boiled down my two choices to Supply Chain Management OR Marketing.


I have no idea which would be more suitable for me, please help me out. I need some posts from people who have worked in either, or know about it.



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It's hard to give advice in a situation like this without knowing who you are as a person...What appeals to one person may not appeal to another...


Maybe try writing out a list of pros and cons for both careers. Also make a note of the qualities that make you suitable for each one, as well as the things that you may struggle with. Just making the list itself can be helpful, but you could also post it on here so that people can get a better sense of where you're coming from.

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Maybe try writing out a list of pros and cons for both careers. Also make a note of the qualities that make you suitable for each one, as well as the things that you may struggle with. Just making the list itself can be helpful, but you could also post it on here so that people can get a better sense of where you're coming from.


This is great advice, and I think that it would be a good place for you to start. Supply Chain Management OR Marketing entail different career paths, different skill sets, and different day to day jobs. Furthermore, take marketing as an example. Marketing consists of sales, advertising, market research, brand/product management, among other paths. So even within your two choices you have more specific paths to focus on.


Use Labo's advice, and try to narrow down your focus with a list first, then research some companies and re-evaluate your choice. When you interview, many places ask, "Why marketing?", "Why do you want to work for us?", etc.


Good luck.

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