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Gym Routines

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I just started going to the gym again a few weeks ago. I used to go a lot, but took some time off when my membership expired. I like to work out but don't think I have a lot of knowledge on the subject.


I pretty much try to go every other day and I do the same things every time. I use a majority of the machines and am there for about an hour each time (w/out cardio).


Is this good/bad? Any advice is appreciated.

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I pretty much try to go every other day and I do the same things every time


You should try to alternate betwen different muscle groups. If you are going every other day you could split up your days into upper body/ lowe rbody days so you could get a more intense workout for certain areas as well as give the muscles ample time to rest in between. You should also pick different exercises instead of using the same ones for each muscle group because it's good to challenge your body in new ways. (so it does not get used to the same exercises)


If your gym has a personal trainer, you should meet with him/her to learn ways to maximize your results.



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First im not a professional trainer...


Well it depend of whats your goal. If its just to keep in good shape, good cardio and health then its fine. However if you want to get some muscles or loose weight then its not going to work.


First, each time you go train you should focus on an area of your body, like day 1: Chest-Triceps-Legs, Day 2: Back-Bicep-Shoulders and so on... A professional trainer should be able to make a good training program or you can find some on Internet too or even buy books about it. Each time you work out, you should do all the exercise of the body area and then move on another one. Going from a machine to another random one is pointless.


You should also change your training program each 4 to 6 weeks.


Also a training should not be much longer than 1Hour to 1H30 with cardio.


Well as I said im not an expert and im still gathering knowledge about this. I would be interested to read others people opinion about the subject.

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