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A Predicament


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First off, I've been reading these forums for a few days now, and much of the advice given here is top notch and very well written I figured it was only a matter of time before I asked something myself!


My question is. . . how do you (in this case, me, really) get over a rather severe case of the jitters to be able to actually talk to a person that you are attracted to? I'm talking full on, can't form a cognitive sentence type jitters I'm 28 years old and I suddenly find myself feeling rather school-girlish (for lack of a better description) around him. He is a bit older than myself and is somewhat of a coworker if that makes a difference.


This kind of thing has only happened once before, and I never really did anything about it (a regret to this day). I know I need to just bite the freaking bullet, just wondered if there are any tips for how.


Thanks in advance

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When you start thinking you worry , so the answer is put your mind on zero and ask him out.


Its a win win situation for you, if you ask him out and he says no, you can move on with your life, if he says yes you got a date. You always miss if you never shoot right?


Since guys are direct, you just have to ask it directly in his face. Something like ' hey you don't have to answer immediately but i was wondering if next week you would like to goto the movie(x) with me'


Stop worrying , stop thinking ,act instead of regretting. Ask yourself, what has being shy ever gave you for reward? Zero so trash it.

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When you start thinking you worry , so the answer is put your mind on zero and ask him out.


Its a win win situation for you, if you ask him out and he says no, you can move on with your life, if he says yes you got a date. You always miss if you never shoot right?


Since guys are direct, you just have to ask it directly in his face. Something like ' hey you don't have to answer immediately but i was wondering if next week you would like to goto the movie(x) with me'


Stop worrying , stop thinking ,act instead of regretting. Ask yourself, what has being shy ever gave you for reward? Zero so trash it.


Couldn't have said it better myself. Also, Hello fellow North Carolinian.

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Thanks for the replies, guys. And hello yourself! NC is a nice place to live, eh? Except for when it's supposed to drop to about 15 degrees tonight!


Whereabouts are you?


Burke County. About 50 miles east of Asheville.


And cold weather is a good reason to snuggle, lol.

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Burke County. About 50 miles east of Asheville.


And cold weather is a good reason to snuggle, lol.



Indeed it is!


So you're sort of in the "rolling hills" area? Not quite mountains, not quite flat land. I tend to enjoy our state the more west I go. . . I'm in Wake County, Raleigh/Durham area myself.

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Indeed it is!


So you're sort of in the "rolling hills" area? Not quite mountains, not quite flat land. I tend to enjoy our state the more west I go. . . I'm in Wake County, Raleigh/Durham area myself.


Around here they call it the foothills, lol. Burke County is also reffered to as "Bloody Burke", lol. Never understood why until I served on the grand jury.

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