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ok well i have had this girl as a friend for about five years now and lately i keep having these thouhts about her and me doing stuff like kissing and well we tryed going out but i was an ass in front of my bro about me and her going out(she was a family friend) and well a week later she came up to me and said as of now i am single and well that hurt well and then i did tell my bro and he was really kool about it and then i tryed asking her out again but she wont say she has told all her friends and none of then will tell me and i was wondering is there anyway i can find out if she still likes me and if i f**ked up too much or what

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I think its good that you realised you acted wrongly, have u told her that?


I really think she needs time. You need to prove to her that u care, not by telling her, but by respecting her and being there for her, Actions speak louder than words. But I think given time it will fall into place so in the meantime just be a great friend and regain her trust, show her u can be trusted. Just dont keep on or pressure her, it's likely to drive her further away.


Good luck

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not really a consistend text, is it? Try using ".'s" for a change next time


Anyway. You can't find out by asking other people, you say you know this girl very well, well, talk to her! She's the only one with the answers and as long as she doesn't want to talk to you about this...I guess you know the answer.

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