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Help! How do you move on?

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I don't really want to go into detail about my ex gf and our relationship because I don't want to keep going over it in my head. (You can read my other threads if your interested).


Anyways I'm trying to move on and let go because I know its better for me. I am doing NC and I am not trying to count the days. (its been 12 days) My question is I am trying to tell myself that she isn't coming back and that this is for good but apart of me knows thats a lie because you never know what is going to happen down the road, especially when we both never cheated or lied to each other. So I was wondering will that feeling just go away on its own or do I have to force myself because right now I keep forcing myself to believe that she won't be back but then I keep also telling myself that anything is possible and no matter what I try to do to make myself not think like that, its hard not too. I can't lie to myself. Especially because she also admitted that she also feels like down the road anything between us is possible. ( I know, she was proably just letting me down easy).


I don't have the urges to call her or contact her as I know that its better for both of us if we just stop talking. For me it will help me heal and for her it will give her the space that she needs and I respect that. I also feel like if she does come back that I would be reluctant to get into it with her again.


Everyone keeps telling me to move on and let go and I'm trying soooo hard to and I feel like I'm making great progress by not contacting her and not even having the urges anymore because I know I'm just hurting myself. I just can't shake the little voice in my head that keeps saying that you never know down the road, even though I keep telling myself that she isn't.


I hope it will just go away with time. Its only been 12 days since I received proper closure from her.

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I unfortunately don't have a lot of advice for you because I am feeling the exact same way myself. It's as if my head is telling me that the relationship is over and I need to move on, but my heart is telling me to never give up and that she is the one and everything will work out eventually. I haven't heard her voice or seen her in 26 days and have not contacted her except for a happy bday text.


Like you, part of me hopes this feeling goes away with time, but another part of me hopes my love for her never goes away and her love for me returns. This is so tough

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honestly...the feelings will do away..i mean i was with my ex for 3.5 years..and the feelings and all that crap actually went away after nearly 2 months...I have been in NC for roughly 4 months? so yeahh..it will go away it just takes time...and like you said yourself, you never know down the road..but the thing you do need to know is you need to move forward with your life..who knows you might cross paths again, or you might meet someone who you will fall in love with. so there is infinite possiblitys that can happen if you move forward. just take it day by day, then it'll be month by month, then next you know it you moved on!

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