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I think I love my best friend

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I think that I'm in love with my best friend. I have known her for 5 years and I don't know if I should tell her or not. We spend most if not all of our free time together. Throughout the years I have watched her date and she has watched me, but we still end up sitting around and talking about our past relationships. She recently got out of a relationship and then asked why didn't I tell her that it wasn't working out, she was always unhappy with the guy and I knew it. She calls me at least twice a week to see if I am coming out to her house to spend time with her. I give advice, but I don't like getting to involved because I have a bias opinion. She always complains that she's going to be alone and I just want to tell her so bad that I want to be with her. I had to fight the urge this past weekend to tell her that I love her. One of my concerns is that if I tell her and she doesn't feel the same way then I may be out a friend or I could pass up the chance for happiness. I'm supposed to be going out of town with her this weekend to her B-n-L's wedding. It is getting so hard to be around her and wanting to be closer to her and not knowing how she feels. So any advice you could give would be appreciated.

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hey there

u need to figure out what she thinks of you, ur saying that you have been friends for 5 years, didnt she do anything that made you feel that she does have a thing for you, or didnt u do anything to give her an idea

the main thing, u dont wanna lose ur self too, i know the feel that u just cant stop ur self of telling her that u love her couse i have had a similar experince,but u have to fight that feeling,u dont want to lose her as a friend do u, but still maybe sometimes u need to take the risk, its totaly depend on you and how u think

still i can till you what i did once, it may sound stupied but i did it, i told her that i love her in a joke way in one of our converstion, or just tell her ur just too curious what if..... if u get what i mean

just a suggestion and im not an expert

i really wish she loves u too

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i think you need to ask yourself if you can live without ever telling her how you feel. do u think u can get over her or does it just hurt too much being around someone you love who doesn't know how you feel? there's always the chance that she could feel the same way, just like there's the chance that she might not. i think that if the friendship is strong, then it can survive if she doesn't feel the same way. it might be weird or awkward at first, but maybe things could go back to the way they were before. it might just take time. and at least you will know.


no matter what you decide, i hope everything works out for the best.

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This is only my opinion, but I believe you should go for it.


I've been best friends for 5 years with someone whom you can't help but fall in love with. I waffled about telling him my feelings, worried that our friendship could hurt from disclosing such sentiments. Ultimately, I decided to tell him my feelings.


Our friendship is still beautiful and only gets better with time. He didn't want to take it to the next level, but I finally got an answer to all of my confusion.


I am still confused about it, I mean, I still love him to death. But I think I am better for having done it. I was so afraid, so worried about being rejected. . .but I'm still here to talk about it. Life is all about taking risks, going for what you feel is best and what you really think will bring you happiness.

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