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How am i suppose to avoid quarreling wif him

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i'm having alot of problem.... if anyone out there can give me advice then i think to register to this forum is really a wise choice. ok... now i have this boyfriend, we are both age 15. we are goin steady for about 2 months already. we start off being close friend and finally after 4 month we decided to stead. after 3 weeks, we begin to quarrel for almost everyday. he aways remind me that no matter how many times we quarrel, he's never gonna to break up wif me. and true enough until now, he didn't ask. we both seems to love each other but always quarrel. how am i suppose to avoid quarreling wif him... i doesn't want to end this relationship....so plz tell me wat am i suppose to do... please help me...

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Oh Dearest CT,

Hello fellow CT girl!

Oh dear honey if you don't want this relationship GET OUT!

I see you are young, it's tough at those times to understand exactly what's going on. Buy the time you are in your 20's dear, everything changes.

Love is different when you are 15 than when you are 25.

Communication is key dear

Be Well,


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