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Why do the smallest things send me back?

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Hey all,


I've been posting on here since November when I realized that my dumping of my ex was a mistake and went into some "hard times" because of it.


Lately I was doing well. I was starting to get a sense of "me" back. I started setting goals and setting out to live a new, more full and active life. This morning, I get into work and check my stupid MySpace. She did one of those survey things and I can't understand for the life of me why I got down after seeing it. Is it because I am seeing that shes actually going through things alot easier? I feel like I've taken many steps back (although I'm nowhere near step one.)


I need to get over this...it has been too long. I dumped her for a reason. We never got along and always had problems. But I can't seem to let that take precedence like it should. We're not talking (she thinks that 6 months of no talking would be "healthier" which I agree it would)


What's wrong with me?

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