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how to know they're flirting?

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He's being cauitious. He obviousely really likes you, if he is going to spend all that money and making sure your okay, when he's not around. He doesn't want to ruin the friendship you have, and just wants to take things slow. But, if you don't want to be in a relationship it is best to say something.

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Awesome, thanks for the replies! I was thinking the same thing all of you said as well, more or less! Agreed with all of you, taking it slow!


I'm a fan of the slow approach. Because I feel that in order for you to be a couple, you must first be friends (getting to know one another well enough to establish that there's is a deep enough connection to pursue). And things (especially relationships) always seem to head for disaster when people rush into them.


This was the first time I saw him in a year, and I think I might go back in August (there are some really cool things that we didn't get to do because it was December, and we were both mutually disappointed about not being able to do said stuff). So an 8 month break, I don't think it's too much of a rush. I'm also contemplating taking a summer internship (3 months) in his city for 2008 (not just to be near him; it's one of the few places I can go in this country for marine biology and it's not accross the entire country, so it'd be perfect... the fact that he's there is a major pull to go to this specific city, but he isn't the reason).

I told him this (about coming there for a summer) and he (albeit mostly jokingly) asked me to stay with him for the 3 months so that I could cook for him and he wouldn't have to live off of pizza and cookies


But who knows what's going to happen in 1.5 years from now!


I'm not sure I'm "taking it slow" because I'm not really taking it anywhere! I'd love to, in the future, when our lives are less hectic and we feel there is a solid foundation on which to build a relationship (if he wants one with me). But I don't have a grand plan! I am rather smitten with him and don't entertain the thought of dating other men. It's not that I'm holding out for this guy, but talking with him and devoting time to him satisfies me, and for now, it's all I need. I'm quite content and happy just where I am.


I do love our friendship, sincerely. And if all we ever became was just friends, I'd be happy with that because I get to have him in my life. And having him in my life is the truly important thing. But the thought of one day being his girlfriend, I'm not going to lie!, makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.


Thanks for your opinions, enotaloners!

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