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What should I do? Please Read and advice Would Appreciate it

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I don't where or even how to start so i will just say it as it is. I fell for a girl who is in a relationship with another guy ten years her senior. Well we are frens are are on talking terms however we are just frens. She may know that i do like her as i treat her much better then the people around her.


One more thing about her is that before this guy, she was involved with another guy around her age. That was her first love and she told me before that she was stilll kind of hung up over him.


To continue, she told me before that her current bf is kinda flirty and she doesnt like that and that the reason she doesnt go clubbing with him is that she doesnt want to see him flirt as this would cause a quarrel. She said that if they quarrelled one more time they would definitely break up.


Well anyway i do care for her and wish her happiness no matter what and intend to hint to her how i feel just b4 her birthday in october.


My plan was to buy a good box of Godiva chocolates and quality perfume for her and attach a song called You Don't know Me in lyrics and music to her too.


Basically that song sings of a guy who has fallen in love with a girl but he doesnt know how or what to say. It tells of how behind the scenes he really does care for her and that he would wish her happiness even when she walks off with another lucky guy.


That song really relates and is a real strong hint too so i was just wondering if anyone could tell me if this is a feasible method to tell her that i am there for her come rain or shine regardless of whether she chooses to be with me or not.

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Hey There!


That is a perfect idea! Definitely do that. If that guy is flirty and that is the reason she doesn't hang out with him...she tells you this stuff for a reason i think.


Go for it. You have nothing to lose hon. The music should clue her in! and she needs a guy her age (you) that will treat her good (you again)...


Maybe she will realize what a good thing she is missing. So go for it. Maybe she likes you too and you don't know it, b/c this older guy sounds like her rebound relationship...hmmm.


But definitely try...you never know until you try.


good luck! keep me posted!



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hi there, I strongly Jitrenda about going ahead with you idea, if you need an extra person to support you in doing so. hehe.


Survival of the fittest... *may sound abit weird, but it kinda work the same way here, hehe, well, she's already telling you her problem with her current bf (is he ten years older than her??). and the way you put it, it doesn't seem like she have too strong of a feeling over him. Maybe she's trying to find someone better, who cares more for her.


You might just prove to be the right candidate, and oh well, everything's about taking a risk. good luck to you and hope you'll come around with some good news.



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