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Ok, so heres the situation.

I've had this guy friend at work ever since I moved here (6 months ago). At the time I was living with my boyfriend. Our relationship was coming to an end and I was always complaining etc. Even though I was still living with my boyfriend at the time, I began spending more and more time with my "friend." We have a lot in common and he just understands me. We hung out so much that I told him I liked him (yes, while I was still w/ my boyfriend). He told me he was flattered but uninterested.

So I figured he wouldnt want to hang out w/ me much anymore thinking I deceitful to my boyfriend and had an ulterior motive for him in mind. Yet the opposite happened. We began hanging out even more.

Recently, I just broke up with my boyfriend and moved into my own apartment. This friend and I used to talk once every few days and now he texts me every day asking how I am etc. Hes also not a phone talker and wants me to call him all the time. I know hes just trying to be a good friend b/c I've been having a hard time dealing with the breakup but it seems like theres more going on.

Example, the other night he asked me to dinner and after, payed. He wouldnt let me pay my half and he even grabbed my purse and carried it out of the restaurant for me while I put my coat on. Also, we went to a party a few nights ago and the whole time we were talking to other people, yet I kept catching him staring at me until finally he came over. I mentioned I wanted to leave and he asked me not to leave until he left so he could walk me home. Everytime we go out, he always ends up around me when he drinks telling me he loves me and Im so "great" bla bla bla.

Im having him over for dinner tomorrow night and for some reason, Im feeling nervous. Ive always liked him but he outright told me he didnt like me 2 months ago. Is he just a friend?

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I think it's possible that he's interested in you. A few months ago you were with your boyfriend, so out of respect he might have kept quiet about his feelings. Watch his body language tomorrow, and check for indications that he's interested in you - sits close to you with an open posture, mirrors the way you sit/stand, makes attempts to touch you.

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