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Bunch of Questions


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Ok well me and this guy worked together last yr. its kind of a seasonal job type of thing - only lasts a month. I asked him this morning online if he was goin to be goin back to the job. He said that he would, but he couldnt because he didnt have any way to get there. He knows i can drive now, and i have told him that i would hgive him rides before if he needed them. Do u think that was a hint that he may want a ride from me??????? he said that he wanted to do the job again, but just cuz he didnt have a ride he couldnt.


Also i thought his bday was today, turns out its tomoro. So i said o btw is today ur bday? - im prolly wrong? he said oooo ur off by one day its tomoro..but thanks so much for remembering thats still cool. he sounded happy that i remembered and kind of shocked that i had even cared. After i had said happy bday to him, i felt so good and i almost watned to cry, i dont kno why. I guess jsut cuz i didnt blow him off and he knew i stll cared.


o backround info...we were close for a few months - talkin a lot. We havent talked much at all this summer, and it takes a lot of guts for me to im him online.


Please help-- did he mean he wants a ride? Did i make him feel special by rememebring his bday? is that a good thing if i made him feel special?


Also VERY IMPORTANT......how do i go about telling him that i can drive him to work if he wants me to, without sounding like i still like him or desperate or sumthin.




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It is a good thing that you made him feel special. It is always good to know someone cares. Just tell him if he needs a ride that you could take him. He wont read to much from it. He could be saying that so that you would offer to take him so you could spend more time togeather. How did he get there last time. He may prefer you take him then what he did last time. I hope i helped. Good Luck.

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Ya last year he went with his friend. But this year his friend is goin away to college. So thats why he has no ride. It would be the best thing in the world if i could drive him, i would be so hapy lol. He could really see me for who i am cuz i would obviously have to open up more if we were alone for like half hour every day...two ways. so like an hour. I jsut dont want to sound like i really really wanna drive him, i just wanna sound friendly about it.

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