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I have seen several No Contact journals on this site, and I wanted to make one for myself, to track my progress.


I decided to start No contact today, for 30 days with someone who has me pretty much on an emotional rollercoaster. My purpose is to MOSTLY put things in perspective and get a clear head on things, so I can be rational, and I cannot do this while we are still in contact.


I 'll have a two day head start, as my last contact to him was two days ago.

So this is officially day 3.

Wish me luck!

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I have seen several No Contact journals on this site, and I wanted to make one for myself, to track my progress.


I decided to start No contact today, for 30 days with someone who has me pretty much on an emotional rollercoaster. My purpose is to MOSTLY put things in perspective and get a clear head on things, so I can be rational, and I cannot do this while we are still in contact.


I 'll have a two day head start, as my last contact to him was two days ago.

So this is officially day 3.

Wish me luck!



Good Luck! Im happy to see someone take control of their emotions. It is all about discipline and control of the mind.

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Thanks for the support. I have been really low about all this lately, but today is a new beginning for me. I have hope. I CAN be happy....and I WILL be happy. I realized I was contributing to my OWN misery by staying stuck in a dead end relationship...IF you can even call it that. But no more.....this is a journey...not a destination. I realize I will have hard days.....and downright AWFUL days, but it's a struggle I must ensue to reach my goal.


I will do it. One day at a time.

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I turned 27 last month. We haven't really been "together". he is someone I like

a lot. He has admitted feelings for me, but never acts on them. He basically strings me along, and of course I took the bait. When push comes to shove, he never follows up,a dn I am SICK of it. I would rather put an end to it now, than wait till he's dating someone else and end up being a complete fool. That's the gist of it.

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I am thinking about the guy I am posting about here, and I am realizing that I dodged what could QUITE possibly have been the BIGGEST bullet of my life.


Maybe it's because I am feeling good today, I don;t know, but all I know is, in a way I am GLAD I will no longer be talking to him. It's a relief. He sent SO many mixed signals, and created SO much anxiety in me, that doing NC should actually be a cakewalk. I feel as if a weight has been lifted. I no longer have to wonder if I MIGHT hear from him, or what he's doing, or what mood he might be in, or IF he changed his mind about me. It's a LOT less effort to do NOTHING than it was to keep a dead end "relationship' alive.

God why couldn't I have seen this sooner??? Live and learn I suppose.

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