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I really need help...

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Hello everyone,

I really have a problem. I am 20 and I never had a girl friend in my life. I really feel lost. I tired everything but every path leads me to nowhere. everyday is a living hell for me. I feel so lonely. I never told anyone about it. All my friends think I am ok, but I am not. I finally joined a Gym to vent my frustration. I have a personal trainer and I have really bad crush on her. She is pretty, fit, funny and nice. When I am with her all my pains go away. She is older than me by two years. I really dont know if I should ask her out. should ask her out? I never did anything right before. I dont konw if I will be able this time. Someone plz give me advice coz I think I am gonna hit rock bottom pretty soon,

thank you...

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sure ask her out. U might be suffering cuz u dont go out lookin for a dare. go with ur gut and ask her out. And if she says no its not the end of the world. She'll probably say yes (unless shes involved) cuz ppl like to meet ppl. Try it and goodluck. I no it seems difficult but its not. I'm 13 and i've had maybe 4 g/fs so if i can do it u sure as hell could give it a good shot. Again try it and good luck

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Definatley! Ask her out! You really should just take a risk, you might be to self conserved or just nervous and shy. And think of the results from this situation, if she says no, you might feel a little worse than you do now, but if she says yes, youll feel amazing! I think its worth the risk, the hapiness that youll have if she says yes would be so much better than just thinking every girl will turn you down when you ask her out!

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Ask her out! You sound like a shy one.... Don't be afraid, take a chance. Being lonely isn't fun.... I should know, I haven't had a date in almost 3 years. Be yourself and take a chance, you'll never know unless you go with your gutt.


And like maddoglaccrosse said, it won't be the end of the world if she says no. There are plenty of fish in the sea... please don't let your shyness get in the way. 8)

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I wish things were that easy...I took chances before...but all came out with was a broken heart...life isnt that easy you know...


Awwh sweetie. I have been through many broken hearts but you need to take a chance. Life is never easy, trust me, with your personality... you will find that special someone. 8)

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Thanks alot guys...I didnt even move and I got 6 replies...when I was rejected before...I felt so bad...I really dont wanna feel like I felt that day...it is just too much for me...I am just like a team who lost all thier matches...what are the chances that I am gonna win the next game...even the undesirable girls dont hit on me...for crying out load two days ago a gay dude was hitting on me at wal mart...I had to figure out a way to get rid of him...nothing goes my way...nothing...

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Gay dude at wal mart!



Do not worry at lot of women are shy when it comes to asking out guys too! Many women are old fashioned and expect the man to ask them out. If you stay here at enotalone long enough, you will see that many people are afraid to make the first move when it comes to a crush.


I think you should ask her if she would like to get some lunch after your workout sometime or offer to take her out for being such a nice trainer! Start with small dates like a coffee date or lunch date.


If she says no that is ok! We all get rejected sometimes trust me it hurts ten times more to be rejected by someone who you have dated for many years!! My guy friends tell me for every seven girls they talk to at a club or bar they get rejected, but find one girl who is interested. But it only takes one girl to make you happy, it is just a numbers game. If you get upset at every woman who rejects you, you will never date. So if you go somewhere expect to get many rejections before you get a bite!! Good Luck!

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Well it seems you all think that I should ask her out...I was wondering...does anybody has any cleaver lines I can say...like how can I ask her in a way that wouldnt make her say no...I really dont even dare to think what would happen if she said no...

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Okay, my big concern here is that you'll 1) FREAK if she says no, and 2) overwhelm her too quick if she says yes because you want this so much. Loneliness SUCKS, everyone here has had their hearts broken before, and we all feel the same about it. It's like dying a little every time. But you CANNOT go into this with that fatalistic attitude and place every single hope for your happiness on it, which is what it sounds like you're doing. It'll scare her away if she says yes and, two weeks later, you're telling her she's the woman of your dreams. GO SLOW, man...just be casual about it, and be yourself, you don't need clever lines or witty remarks. Women want to see a man for who he is, not who's hiding behind the clever lines.

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Just be yourself there is nothing worse than some guy trying to use manufactured lines on a woman. I can say that most women do not fall for lines! Ever if you are the biggest "player" in the world, with the lines that make the ladies melt, she still may say NO.

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hi :


im in your situation now ive only had one girl friend and im twenty, i havent had a date for 3 years and im in a shitty mood as well.


i feel i need a girl friend but ive got no one in site.


lately ive been frustrated, i felt lonely sometimes angry i wanna run away to a sunny place in south america or something.


but thats not goin to happen. L

so u just have to be strong and face what ever shit that comes your way cos believe me stayin positive and being a good person is the hardest thing u can do. and its hard. but whos having it easy???



i guess not many people can share your pain i know cos i cant explain it to people how i feel inside. although i tried 2. so i too joined a gym.



but things will get better im sure after all thers 30 year olds still single so what does that say about them?>> oh well

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Hey guys,

something I forgot to mention is that she works 16 hours a day. Furthermore, she is graduating next semster. She told me there is a chance she might stay for an extra semster...but she is not sure. So, with her busy life I really doubt that she is going to find time to fit me in it. Moreover, if she is leaving by the end of the semster...why bother and start a new relationship. Oh well I am gonna give it a shot anyway, but this time I know all the odds are against me. I am almost sure nothing is going to give, but I'll give it a shot anyway. After all, what have I got to lose...

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