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jealousy is hurting my stomach.

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Am I too jealous,


Is there anyone out there who can help me? I can't take it anymore, i think that my boyfriend is just waiting to screw someone else. Women find him very attractive, and since him and I are having our problems..i just feel like he is going to screw with one of them. i Just think that all men cheat when ever they can. This is really hurting me. I am sad...help please....

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Well you should trust your b/f that is the base of a relationship Trust with out it you will loose him has he given you any clues or anything to make you think he wants to screw around? if he hasnt then relax and trust him cause how ould you feel if you werent doing n e thing and he thought the same thing about you?



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I don't believe it is wise to do anything that you may think your boyfriend may do since you really don't know. Because the two of you are having problems and you say women are attracted to him, it does not necessarily mean that he would do anything but maybe boost his ego. I don't pretend to really understand what your going through but if I were you I would not go out and find someone else to be with because you think that is what your boyfriend is doing. Try to talk with him about your problems

(without you writing the problems you both are having on the message board it's difficult to give any good advice). Maybe things have happened in the past that makes you feel like this I don't know. The only thing I can say is for the both of you to communicate with each other, that's the only way you can get to the root of the problem. I'm sorry if I didn't help much. Hope things go well.

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I know from experience that it is real hard to trust any guys.. but you need to be real careful.. maybe you shouldn't be in a relationship until you can work through it becuz i screwed up one good relationship becuz i kept thinking he was cheating on me and he really wasn't.. maybe something has happened to you in your past to make you not be able to trust guys and you need to work through it!!

Like for me my step father molested me and i did trust him with all my heart cuz he was basically my real father cuz my real dad was never there so thereforeeeee it made me think allllll guys don't need to be trusted!! understand?? well i hope..

i hope i helped you out a little.. i tried!!

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And, to be fair, all men definitely do NOT cheat. There are some great guys out there who, while they may be having problems with their girlfriends or wives, are NOT thinking about going out and cheating on them because they're having problems. If a couple is mature enough, they try to discuss the issues that are causing the problems and try to work a compromise so both sides are happy. Failing that, the wise thing to do is to split up so you can both move on. But to simply say that you think he's going to run right out and cheat on you because of problems signifies a lack of communication to me. Of course, I can't really say because as someone else said, we don't know what the problems are or if you HAVE discussed them. Good luck!

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Ill tell you from experience that if he really cares for you a lot, then he wont do that to you. my girlfriend and i had been together 8 months and she decided to date other people, its impossible for me cause i dont even think of any other girls anymore.....maybe im just a nice guy? dont let him know how much youre stewing about this because it can cause seroius problems and even break up the relationship. have faith, i did and she wants another guy but thats just my luck, if he really cares for you then youre good.

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