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he acts like a child, what to do?

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i've been going out with my b/f for 11 months now and recently i feel that he acts very childish. i was wondering if any body has any tips on helping him act more like a 19 year-old rather than a 9 year-old. He has ADD, i don't really know if this has anything to do with it. I know that ppl with ADD tend to be really hyper and all, and im ok with that, i just wish he would learn to control himself. Many times for ie., we'll be on the bus or train and he'll talk really loud, and ppl will stare, something i don't like much. sometimes he'll start dancing funny(he can't dance), and i get really embarrassed. it bothers me so much that sometimes i feel like breaking up with him. i've told him how i feel, but i don't think it's helping very much. I would really appreciate your help.

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Ok I really dont mean to be mean but what you are saying in other words is that you want to change how he is..you shouldnt really have a problem with it though because you knew how he was before you went out with him and a misconception of i can change him when i go out with his is completely wrong...if you dont like how he is to the point that sometimes u want to break up with him then i think you should tell him and tell him that you cant be with some one like that because it bothers you dont make him feel bad about how he is cause thats just his personality..(ps: this is my opinion i dont want u to take it as if i was insulting you) Wish you luck



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Something i forgot to mention is that before we started going out, and during the first 5 months or so he was great and then little by little he started acting out a lot, i still love him, and he doesn't act like a child all the time, just often. He is mature, just not as much as he should be at his age. could his mother and family moving off and leaving have anything to do with it. could it be a way to make himself feel better?

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