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:what's with the looks

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i agree with bzborow1 (not with the slow aspect) with the point made about making an expression or action back. i wouldnt just sit around and not do anything (because i know for a fact that it would bug me for the next couple of hours on what that expression actually meant).


so yeah just smile back or somehting you'll get the answer you need.


but my opinion would be either

1: she is just in a world of her own and isnt actually looking at you just straight through you (no offence)

2: she likes you and happens to be staring you way for that long she actually thought you would make some input (maybe smile) but no you dont and gives up

3: shes just starring at you with no meaning behind it

4: being rude (but i'd take the first three options)


hope this helped


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well the last poster, sorry what's your name? neva black and white I think... anyway option #3 is just being like option #4 in my opinion, if you stare for no reason then that's just being rude. But oh WAIT, what if there is an option 5, being.... she's staring because your hideous looking.... is that possible??? Thanks


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hey my names actually kelly but still the neva_black_n_white is what i chose.


anyhows to me number three and four are completely different with no meaning doesnt neccessarily mean they are being rude they could have been on a bad day or a great day and day drwaming and you just happen to be where their staring (thats obviously your personal opinion but thats what i meant i guess)


yeah there could be a number 5 and that could be the option but if it is then that woman obviously wasnt worth worrying or stressing over to be that rude.


anyway thats my idea on it.


hope it helps.


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