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A Sheep And A Wolf...???

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Probably it is a compatibilty issue.

I am more like he is, so I would be annoyed the same way he was. I am not very good in making people feel better when they are sad.

So it is not wrong that you're emotional but you need to have a person by your side that understands you better and communicates the way it helps you.

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Ok, im a woman so dont get mad at me here!!


You CANNOT depend on someone else to make you happy when you are sad...this is wayyyyy wayyyyy too much pressure to put on someone you say you love.


Have you tried seeing it from his perspective? Maybe he got mad because he was hoping for some encouragement from YOU when he couldnt stay the full 21 days. Instead you immediately thought of you...so let me ask...if you think of you and you want him to think of you..who thinks of HIM??


During this thinking you say you are about to do, I sincerely suggest that you stop and think of how he must be feeling during these arguments over his insensitivity.

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that's right syrix, i need someone who can deal with this sensitivity of mine. this isnt the first time that we have this problem. i've never deal with someone like him. if i see someone sad i'll try to say something nice to make him/her feel better but he as not like that.


i really dont like this. neither i like he's so proud. he doesnt like to say a "sorry" or i was wrong. if i made i mistake i'm able to accept it was my fault and i ask him to forgive. but he seems to be very proud


also he's kind cynic. after an argument he is able to talk like nothing happened. what i am gonna do?? he wont chance those things and i feel i'm very tired



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me either,on one side, i dont like he's like that. and on the other one, i still love him and i dont want to end our relationship. after 2 years it's hard to throw out of the windown so many feelings. that's why i asked him for some time. i need to think about what i want.


i know he wants to trasmit to other the impression he's very strong, someone who knows him really good told me. he doesnt need to show me that. i'm not someone to make him beeing in a defensive posotion all the time. i dont give him reasons to do that.

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