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My boyfriend and i broke up after going out for a couple of months because i am leaving next month to move away to a new city and he didn't want a long distance relationship. Although we didn't go out for that long the relationship got very serious for the short length of time and we both said we loved each other.


I decided to avoid him him because it hurt seeing him, i contacted him a few times but he never replied so i left it. Anyway i saw him the other day and he was with a new girl i was really hurt and decided to leave early and go elsewhere anyway he turned up (without the girl) and was all over me and it ended up in him asking me out for coffee which nothing came of because my phone never delivered the message in time to my phone so it was too late to meet.


Anyway if that was his new 'gf' surely its a rebound relationship? It hurts to think that you can love someone one day and be in a whole new relationship the next. Can those relationships really be successful?

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it really hurts doesnt it.


I recently split with my GF, she found someone else, I met some friend for a quiet sunday drink and found her sitting with this guy(first date sort of look to it, even though they met out in a club) she told me hes young and she doesnt take it seriously, saying that she didnt leave me for someone else....its hard to believe though. I think it is a rebound thing, but you never know.


I just spoke to my first love via e-mail recently, (I had not spoke to her in 8 years, she sent me a bearevment card when my mum died and sent me a emial...she tried hard to get in contact!) anyway she did a very similair thing when we broke up,....she moved all the way to New York and married the guy she left me for...makes me feel better now, not at the time though.


In all honesty I hate how someone else being there with your ex poisons your mind, I feel inadequate and feel so hurt. Nothing we can say cause you really never know. Probably wont be anything though. I still think he is keen. Take some time to build your confidence... he liked you and is still thinking of you....


I dont know about my situation...isnt it amazing how we all give out expert advice but cant help ourselves!!!!



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