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I still love my ex-boyfriend and I want him back!

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My boyfriend and I have been going out for 3 1/2 months. I spent the entire summer with him. We got to know each other very well, and we knew a lot about each other. After a while, he told me that he loved me and that he never wanted to break up with me. I said the same back. We had a really fun summer and we both loved spending time together. At the end of the summer, I talked to him and he said "I want to meet other people. Before you buy a car, you need to test drive a few of them." We were perfect for each other. I can't stop thinking about him. I love him so much. I don't think I can find anybody as good as him. If you have any advice or tips on how I can get back my ex-boyfriend, please email me at email removed

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well, what seems to work in these stupid relationship issues is acting or being unintrested in your particular person. I have been with a girl for a year and was unsure about staying with her for a majority of the time. Well, as soon as she wanted to break us off, I find myself in agony wishing we could at the very least, be what we were. Now I want her so much more than I did before. She hasn't called me in over a week. Im hurt. I miss her. I done all I knew how to get her back. I think I pushed her away farther because of my lack of confidence in myself and begging for her back. She is now interested in some other guy. I now realize what I didn't want to lose. But obviously Im no relationship expert, I lost my girl.


Make him feel like he can't have you that easy.

He will want you all the more.

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If he wants to come back he will if not he won't. The thing that many people try that works in either getting the ex back or helping you move on, is to not talk to the ex at all. I did this and my ex came back but at what cost? My ex and I dated for 4 years, we did not talk for 4 months after the breakup. I guess all the lemons he went out with had nothing on me! Well I do not know what to do now? Do I take him back or let him go( he dumped me too)?


If he is still young then most men want to "sew their oats" sick I know but that is what they want. Sometimes not talking to the ex does not work in getting them back b/c they never want to come back no matter what. Talk to your ex and get closure. See if you still want to be "friends" or what ever but keep your distance. Maybe he will come back once he sees that there are a lot of Lemons out there, when he had a Royals Royce right in front of his face! Anyway who wants to be with a guy who compares women to cars!

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