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how should I go at it?


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just two weeks ago, the world seemed to crumble down for me, since I met someone, who I really liked, but who turned me down after I was to hasty with her.

But just this last wednesday I met a girl with whom I danced the entire night through and even had a simple kiss when leaving. She wants to meet again, but wants me to contact her...but I don't know when is it right to call her. Also, it looks like that she wants to dance again...I just hope she does not want me as a dance partner only....

Since she left, I wrote her a small handy message with my e-mail address...and she replied to my e-mail. I wrote back last night and now I am waiting if she will reply.

Anyways, I don't want to be too hasty with her, but I also don't want to loose her. Also, when I see her the next time, should I kiss her again as welcome simply on her lips or what would be best to do? Also, how can I show her that I really like her, but in a indirect way?

She said we should meet maybe saturday again...should I wait to call her until friday? Or should I even call her up tonight, if she wants to do something even friday night? As I said, I don't want to be too hasty, but also don't want things to cool down.

Any advise appreciated



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well, dont be afraid to play the field a little {by that I mean have more than one girl friend at a time} but by "to hasty" what exactly do you mean by that? do you mean like you tried to and the fraise "turned me down" how did she turn you down? like broke up or didnt wanna do whatever it was, anyways from what i gather you like both of these women thats fine nothing wrong with that, but you will have to make a choice, but not right now. my advice on the welcome kiss as you put it is if she kinda gets into possition and it feels right then go for it, but if it seems off, dont risk it. and if you want to tell her you really like her, just try to set something up for a saturday {bah I know I cant speel plz forgive LoL} or ask her if you could come to her house, just dont make it so you invited yourself over LoL. well this is all I can say on that, this isnt a race by the way you have a life time just take it slow. hope this helps =D

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Thx for the quick replies


I think I will give her a call tonight and just see if she would like to do something saturday.

However, what should I do, when she says that something has come up and she can't meet. I don't want to be to pushy and asking if she is free then for friday or the day after.



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don't push the subject, if she sais she is bussy she probly has something that she could put off she just wants to make sure she is ready to do something. so if she sais no just blow it off like you would if you closest friend said he was busy an couldnt do that. then wait a few calls inbetween before asking agian.

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