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g/f discourages prolonged foreplay?


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- hey all, quick question/thought. my g/f doesn't seem to like to be teased/have foreplay for very long; asking for it very quickly. I on the other hand, like to be on the slow side; handled very slowly and playfully.


- how can i balance it out? i mean, i want to tease my g/f and make her beg for it at times, but she always wants it right away; often saying that it isn't as 'orgasmic' as if i did it quicker.



- Jvc21

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Do it twice? First for her and then for you.


Was seeing a guy who liked to roll around in bed for many hours before getting on to actual sex, to the extent I wasn't sure he ever would. And this is on work nights at 3 in the morning when I'd eventually just want to go to sleep. He said we just had 'different ideas' of foreplay, but after a while it becomes really frustrating!


I wish he'd done the above, and left the all-night sessions to when I didn't have work in the morning. That said, the sex usually went wrong in some way (relating to him) and after a while I wondered if he just liked seeing me get all worked up without putting himself under any pressure. I think the only way through these things to to talk about them. (But how do you do that early in a relationship?)

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Your girl may have issues regarding her body self image, lack of confidence, uncomfortable with herself, lack of sexual confidence. I dated a girl who was like that and I always wondered if she had been raped or abused somewhere in her past. She always wanted "quick" sex, without much foreplay - highly unusual for women. Most women love foreplay, the more the better. Women with a "lets get it over with" mentality in the bedroom most likely have things in their past that cause them to have these attitudes about sex. The girl I was with would always ask me "why are you being so good to me?" when I was attempting to shower her foreplay (lots of hand and oral work). ..almost as if she didn't believe I actually cared about her satisfaction and pleasure. She also had alot of body self image issues, which I never understood because she was like a size 2 and cute as can be. You never know.


I would continue to try and coax you into letting you please her with extended foreplay and when the time is right, ask her why she likes it so quickly. Gently try and find out if there is something in her past that makes her so averse to all the wonderful "extras" that sex has to offer.

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Then why don't you enjoy foreplay? Perhaps you have some self issues? Body self image? Lack of sexual confidence? Certainly something must make you not enjoy foreplay?


I don't think so, because I enjoy walking around in my thongs, watching in the mirror, and filming us having sex. I like oral sex, but I don't consider that to be foreplay.


But I also don't like kissing, which I know is very strange.

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I don't think so, because I enjoy walking around in my thongs, watching in the mirror, and filming us having sex. I like oral sex, but I don't consider that to be foreplay.


But I also don't like kissing, which I know is very strange.


I would say you enjoy foreplay if you like oral sex...lol If you like filming yourself, then I would say you don't have any issues with your body!

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Maybe I don't understand what foreplay is.


Is that a code word for oral sex?


To me, they are different.


Foreplay can be defined as any sexual activity prior to the actual act of penetration. Oral sex, fondling, kissing, massages, ...etc..etc.... Foreplay is all the things you do to/with each other before penetration occurs...hence the prefix "fore" in "foreplay"


Put it this way, Amber. Would you like your guy to just yank your drawers down, throw you on the bed, and just stick it in? Or would you prefer he kiss you, caress you, play with your breasts and your clit, and make you wet (aroused) before intercourse actually began? That's what foreplay is. Foreplay heightens arousal and makes sex more pleasurable.

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Put it this way, Amber. Would you like your guy to just yank your drawers down, throw you on the bed, and just stick it in? Or would you prefer he kiss you, caress you, play with your breasts and your clit, and make you wet (aroused) before intercourse actually began?


The former.


I don't like the kissing and the caressing and the playing with my breasts. All that lovey-dovey, cutchi-coo, warm and fuzzy stuff turns me off.

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