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proposal idea help wanted (for a girl)

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I'm a girl wanting to propose to my boyfriend. I was previously engaged and it did not end well so I've been skittish about engagement/marriage for awhile. A couple months ago my boyfriend proposed in his own way, and I said yes, but was still a little worried and he knew this.


Now I'm no longer worried and want to show him. I believe actions speak better than words, so I was thinking about proposing back to him...if that makes any sense to anyone but me.


I've searched the web and things but they're all mainly guy-proposing-to-girls ideas (of course) and involve cute ring ideas (no ring involved here).


I came up with a couple of ideas but I'm looking for more. Help me brainstorm please!


a) write the proposal in sidewalk chalk in our parking space (although I'd need to find a way to make sure he got out of his car and not just parked on top of it without noticing).

b) taking wash-off glow-in-the-dark crayons and writing it above our bed/on the wall behind the tv etc.

c) make a recording of "our" song and ask at the end, put it on a cd, and tape it to his steering wheel one morning.



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Turn up at his door, have your special song on CD. You would be dressed in a coat, furry boots and a Santa hat and raise hand written signs Like:


Please don't say anything......

I just wanted to tell you I love you.....

Very, very much......


Wanted to ask you......

If you would be......

my husband?......

I love you xxxx


And then undo your coat, where you are tied around the middle with a bow


.... his gift with a smile from you.


How could he resist?


Saw something like this in "Love Actually"... I think that was what it was called

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