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timing (is there a good amount of time to wait b4 u french?)

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i no i've been tellin neone who has a relationship or kissing problem tht its all about the timing. i stand by this and i no good timing but i dont always have good foresight. so wile i can tell in a moment to moment basis when its a good time to kiss i am a little clueless as to is there a good amount of time to wait b4 u french ur g/f for the first time. It'll be the first time for both of us and i just am a lttle afraid of rushing. i also have another post askin about how to french. i no i should go with the flow but if u could give me some tips as to tongue movements and stuff.

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Hey There !


Kissing is like a dance of the mouth ! There is no set way to use your tongue - it should not be too sloppy though, and you can copy the thing that the other person does to make both of you feel a bit more at ease and comfortable.


The timing - well when it feels right - you will know that when you get the moment and you suddenly end up looking in each others eyes, and the magical feeling of I should kiss now gets to you. THats when. I wouldn't worry about it being too early or late to kiss - it should simply feel right !


Good luck,


Hope this helps you some,



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  • 2 weeks later...

the guy i kissed for my first kiss during a truth or dare game really got into it, and it was really awesome, so i'll just say what he did. he started out with his mouth closed and then he opened it and closed it, slipping just a bit of tongue in, and then opening wider and tilting his head to the side and sticking the tongue in further. it was really great because it was gradual, and it was my first french kiss as well. does that make any sense? it was great though, seriously

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