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do any of you girls.. yes or no???

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I am 15 yr. old girl and im holdin a poll here.. do any of you teenage girls actually masturbate (finger) yourself?? Personally, I honestly dont and don't want to go down there, I leave it to a guy and even then thats not my fav thing, .. ?? Everyone says its common and girls just deny it but i truelly never do!! What bout any of you???

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maybe it's just the way i am, and i feel so bad saying this, but i'm a girl and i masturbate all the time, sometimes i feel guilty and i wish i never started, but i've been doing it since before i knew what it was, hey, it's safer then having sex (no std's, performance pressure etc.) it's not something you have to do though so if you don't feel like it then don't.

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Hmm this is the year 2003? Personally I have no problem masturbating and do it probably more times than any guy that I know. Its my body and I will do what I want with it and this way I don't hurt myself and it allows me to enjoy my body in all its beauty..(remembering that beauty is in the eye of the beholder!)


For too long in this society have we told girls that it wrong to masturbate and to explore our bodies. By masturbating and knowing exactly what I want I get tell this to my boyfriend and both of us are happy!

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Well I masterbate all the time and have done since I can remember!

It's really nothing to be ashamed of and if you know how to please yourself and can show your boyfriend how to do it to please you then you are both in for a better time. Personally, I prefer the clitoral stimulation rather than the penetration but you really need to explore to see what works for you. Have a go, you might be pleasantly surprised, I can't believe there is anyone out there who doesn't enjoy an orgasm.



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im not bashing the idea at all! Am i weird??.. a couple guys has done it to me before, and i cant understand wats good about it, i have no clue what an orgasm would be but i definitly cant get it from that.. it kinda groses me out to do it is that weird/?? i jsut never knew it was a thing that alot of girls did i assumed that very few did, based on my close friends and people i know...

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to be perfectly honest... and i think lots of gals will agree out there... NO one, can pleasure u like u can! So, my advice, dont knock it till uv tried it! around 60% of all women masturbate (personally i think its more than that). Dont be ashamed... be PROUD of being a woman!

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am i making my posts clear? PEOPLE>> PLEASE UNDERSTAND!!! IM NOT KNOCKING IT>.. im just kinda afraid/scared to do it and i didnt know how the rest of yall felt.. now i know


the first time i thought about masterbation.. i was scared.. i thought i was nasty...i never knew how it felt becuz people would say its nasty blah blah blah.. but who listens to people...only way to find out is to try it.. me being a guy when i first masterbated it felt great ever since then i liked it.. so all im sayin is it never hurts to try

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have masterbated ever since I could remember , all the time or when ever I feel like it . Its sad for ppl who dont, cuase its like one of the most heathy things for your sex life and attitude on life in general. Not to mention a hell of a stress reliever. Its society's problem that they thought for so long masterbation was bad, they were just threatend by it and espacaily with wemon doing it cause wemon wernt suposed to enjoy sex (its a threat in a mans world) wemon are even more sexual than guys and its not been out there for the longest time , but its 2003 so wake up! now were even getting past wemons lib and its more like equality for both wemon and men , the unisex age, ppl dress how they want and have sex how they want. But its true girls dont usualy talk about it. maybe cuase its some thing they keep for themselves and them selves alone. But I would say its very common and girls that do it have less issues and phsyco problems than girls that do , so that just tells ya its healthy . Plus if you dont like that and dont even like for to go down there then you must not be enjoying sex very much becuase the clit is the wemons sex organ , so I say if you want to enjoy , than have at it !


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  • 7 months later...

If the climax a girl gets from masturbating is anything like a guy gets then I would say don't deny yourself the thrill. If I were a girl I'd be trying to find new ways to do it all the time. It's an arousing thought thinking of girls wanting to masturbate themselves, even more so if if was done in front of me.

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well i am 15 too and i have done it for quite awhile. just try differ things and see what u like. Personally when a guy fingers me it is not all that geat.. but i like it when he rubs my clit...try that if u don't want to actually stick ur finger up there yet. and just relax when doing it... oh and yes i am the typical gurl who would say they don't masterbate i am shy when it comes to telling a bunch of people things like that

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I didn't even know what I was doing when I 1st did it. I mean, hey this is feeling good (I was rubbing head like you do when you "pat your head rub your tummy" kinda thing) Climax really wasn't a "good" feeling, but everything before it was good. Took a few times for climaxin to really be the pinacle point in pleasure.

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Hi, I'm only 14, and I've masturbated. It's normal to do so and NOT to do so, also, so don't feel like you are weird...the other thing is though, I've never actually made myself feel really good from, like, fingering myself. I just don't get a huge amount of pleasure like I was told most girls do...maybe only a real boy will we able to make me feel that good. But I would deny it if asked in public...it would be embarrassing to admit!

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Don't base whether you will touch yourself or not on how it feels when a guy does it. Guys (especially at that age) don't know what they are doing.

Orgasams for women are mostly mental. If you don't know what to expect, you are more likely to be self consious about it, and your body. I started when I was twelve.


My advice, is to find an erotic story and read it. like link removed.


Once you are turned on, go for it, once it happens, you will feel silly that you had any insecurity about it.


It is something that is between you and you. No one else has to know about it, so don't get embarrassed. You will also find that when you are with a guy, you will have more liklyhood of him giving you an orgasm too.

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Approximately 50% of girls have masturbated by age 18.

Approximately 37% of girls have masturbated by age 13.

Approximately 17% of girls have masturbated by age 10.


By the looks of those statistics, quite a few girls masturbate. There's nothing to be scared of, if you wanna try it, go ahead!

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Yes I masturbate...I am 15 as well. I'm not ashamed to tell people I masturbate because almost everyone does and if they say they don't then either they are lying or they eventually will. It's just something that is kept in the dark. I masturbate by fingering myself and with a vibrator.

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