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Regarding my bf and communication and a little bit of commitment issues...

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HI im currently in a relationship and im pretty concerned...

Im wondering if we will ever get anymore serious? We seem to still be on the surface.


Its been about 5 months of knowiing eachother and we have been dating 3. I dont even know how to say what I need advice on!! its frustrating me though. When I am with him, I don't talk as clear as I normally do, I can't tell my stories "detailed"


Its just a disaster when I try...he's been hurting me for a while, emotionally. But I havn't let him know any of this, I keep telling myself this is just a stage itll pass, but it doesn't. I'm not to proud about my past, so that may be part of my discomfort with talking, I dont want to accidently say something that I may regret!


All I do is work, exersize, tan, hang with friends and ofcourse the boyfriend and my average latee at starbucks ....My family life...well im afraid to bring my boyfriend around them. I just DONT want to be JUDGED! They say family reflects on the person you'll be, mine isn't the best example!!


Sorry for rambling...Im just stressed out, I need some light shed on my situation and some advice would do me some good. I dont have a lot of people to talk to about this. I have my bestfriend, but right now shes got her own problems, I dont want to parade on her sitution with more bad news....


Thank you Enotalone, again...and i appriciate any kind of help I can get...

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well, i cant be for certain but you mentioned that you dont want to bring your boyfriend around your family. maybe you're subconsciously afraid to get too close to him in fear that if you become seriously involved with eachother then your family will scare him away and you'll end up hurt.

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  • 2 weeks later...

its been 5 months...we broke up, so everybody was right, i guess it wasnt meant to be!


it hurts to breathe, is that normal?? IM in a lot of pain and i feel like crap.

Yes I did begine feeling more relaxed and open around, but as soon as I was beginning to feel 100 percent comfortable, We broke up...SO w/e...I hate this, this isn't fair...


On top of that I hear from my bestfriend that one of my good friends is hanging out with him all of the time, ever sense we broke up...! he hasn't contacted me at all...and it just ,....... she hasnt contacted me either!!! ahhhh, i hate her and i hate him, i guess im just screwed...no matter which corner I take...

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