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I AM MISSING HER IT HAS BEEN 2 WEEKS TO TODAY THAT WE HAVE PHYSICALLY SEEN EACHOTHER i am beginning to wonder what is occupying her time and why she isnt missing me ahhhhhh heck i wonder why why why i cant comprehend how someone can say lets plan a wedding then say nah its over........anyway with the weekend and especially the holidays i am getting more nervous about being alone with out her



this sucks

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Hang in there kicked in. Right now all you can think about is the ex, but soon it'll start dawning on you that there is so much more to life than your ex. Try to think about the big picture here! four days is a great start...keep strong. GIve yourself credit. You can find happiness...you don't need a woman to do it. I know it feels like you will be alone for the holidays, but surely you have others that you care for in life. Redevelop those relationships. Lean on them. That's what they are there for.


In the meantime, try some calming exercizes. It's okay to think about her, but breath deeply and know that you don't have to lose your sanity. Seriously -- a little meditation or a long, long walk will do wonders. It won't stop you from thinking about her, but it will redirect the energy from frenzy into a more focused kind of rationality.


I myself am almost to two months. I can't tell you what a huge difference a little time and absolutely no contact has done for me.


Do whatever you need to do, but DO NOT contact her !! That is the key to your well being. It's time to look out for number one ! Good luck!

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I agree... You really need to hang in there.


I know that feeling of longing and wondering who they're with and what they're doing... But contacting her won't help. You need to be strong!!!


You were obviously really hurt by this person. She made her choice pretty clear right? You deserve better!!!!


Now you need to focus on yourself and rebuilding your life...

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It does suck. I agree. But - you can decide if it is going to take over you and consume you longer then what it already has....or if you are going to accept this and move on?


We all panic about why they've not contacted us - but the likelihood is she has been thinking about you!! We lose confidence in ourselve in situations like this...and time will rebuild that.


Don't worry about weekends and holidays and how bad you "know you'll feel" cos until you are there - how can you possibly predict how you may or may not feel?


Chin up - keep smiling....


Sparkle xxx

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It does suck. I agree. But - you can decide if it is going to take over you and consume you longer then what it already has....or if you are going to accept this and move on?


We all panic about why they've not contacted us - but the likelihood is she has been thinking about you!! We lose confidence in ourselve in situations like this...and time will rebuild that.


Don't worry about weekends and holidays and how bad you "know you'll feel" cos until you are there - how can you possibly predict how you may or may not feel?


Chin up - keep smiling....


Sparkle xxx





i know she is thinking about me......i am going to the gym now blow off some steam

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