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few questions..

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have a few questions in which I need opinions on and if I sound confusing at all, sorry haha....



first, I know when a girl likes a guy she'll flirt and smile..well what are some signs a shy person might give if any??



next question..is it possible where after talking for several months to a shy person in person and/or online where you think they'd open up but end up continuing with the shyness?




Last question..is it possible for a shy person to be really talkative with friends,total strangers(like customers in a workplace) yet act the total opposite with a certain someone where might be a sign of liking?

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Wasup Sportfan !


About the first question. Shy people do the same but less and with less confident. They smile back but for less time. Whn they pass the person they like , they look down or to the side just not to catch the persons eyes. They just need alot more time. When they would feel that the "danger" is gone.


That leads me to the second question. After knowing a person for half a year, they became less shy and are more confident. BUT they wont be confiden when its about love/date relationship, becasue it will still be a problem for them.


The third question, OF course he/she is talkative with friends. But dont mix strangers and work. If you will be in a room with 100 people and you know that if you wont make 10 friends , in one hour, you will die. TRUST me you will be the opposite of shy. So at work , its their job , so it doesnt count.


I think it would be hard for a shy person to be talkative and give signs of liking. Lets say I really like the girl that entered my store [i'm shy] and I talk like a super salesman, but I wont be able to comment that she is preaty and would she like to go for a coffie. Remember you ar still shy........... The work pushes you to talk , but you cant jump over your head.


I hope I cleared a little the questions.....



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