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holding ur gf's hand makes her uncomfortable?


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so me and my gf have been going out for 10 months. we see eachother in school maybe 5 or 6 periods a day and usually walk together in the halls and eat lunch together. we usually also see eachoteht once a weekend most weeks to go out and do somethign. just recently she told me that it makes her uncomfortable when i hug/ hold her / hold her hand. she says that its not me, she doesnt like hugging anyone very much. we've talked about it a few times and havent really gotten anywhere. i realize that if it makes her uncomfortable, i should stop trying to hold her hand/ w.e., so i have. but, it makes it seem like she doesnt like me or she's embarrassed to be seen holding my hand in public (tho its when were alone too). i dont know, is she telling the truth that it isnt just me, or does she not like me as much as i thought she did?

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This could be because of a number of things, but I don't think it is you.


She may not be comfortable with public displays of affection, or she is just not ready for that, or maybe something happened in her past that turned her off to affection.


I would ask what about hugging or holding hands bothers her.

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Haha. She's ashamed of you. Would you want a girlfriend who doesn't want to show her affection in public, much less alone? I agree, there's a time and a place for displays of affection, but your in school, I refuse to believe that she, in any way shape or form, cares about you in the same way that you care about her.


My advice to you is to tell her how you feel about that. Tell her, " how can I be sure you really appreciate me if you don't want to show it? " Tell her," I don't think it's right, I want to show how I feel about you, who cares who watches? " Don't make her feel pressured, make her feel wanted. Cheers~

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Alright, think of something that REALLY embarrassed you. Now think of someone you REALLY care about talking to you about it.


Say you were embarrassed about the first time you pee'd your pants in public. Your mother sits you down and has a "talk". Would you want her talking in a stern, scolding tone? Or would you want a, understanding, caring chat.


You show her you care, you show her you understand, you show her your really serious. She'll understand, she'll talk to you. You'll have your answers.


Just don't do anything stupid and say we're breaking-up. G'luck!



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maybe i'm just a weird girl, but i dont really like holding hands all that much either. It just feels akward to me and it usually has nothing to do with the guy. It's just not having that arm free (especially when my purse is sliding down my arm).

does your gf have any problems with kisses?

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