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Guys, my ex and I spoke today. He said he misses me and wants to see me. I really want to see him too, BUT I dont know if I should, we are exs for a reason. Awhile ago he wanted to go back out with me, but I said no because small things have happened that made me think. For example, the last time we spoke he said that he always thinks about me sexually coz he is so attracted to me. There have been times where we see eachother then I dont hear from him for weeks or months!


So what should I do? should I go and see him or not?

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I dont want anything sexual. I dont know if he wants to date again, Im also undecided if I want to date him, because I dont want to get involued in anythin messy again.


Im seeing a pattern with the guys I go for, they either dont call me for weeks or they stand me up... its not always, but its been the case in the past few times.

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Well i think you have to decide for yourself darl, No one can tell you how you feel. Have you told him you want nothing sexual, if so and he is still saying this then maybe it would be a good idea to leave it. I don't know what your heart says but as much as i hate to say it sometimes it is better to listen to your head Whichever you decide just be carefull not to let yourself get hurt or end up in a relationship you don't want.

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