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Hey enotaloners,


Im just wander about what it means if you hear ringing in your ears, like is it true you could be having a stroke. well i ask this because i have ringing in my ear at least once a month but i have never really had anything weird happen too me until two weeks ago when i blacked out ( although i dont think this has anything too do with ringing in my ear since the blacking out has happened too my friend) well i just wanted your feed back on what the ringing could mean.


Ps: The blacking out was caused by a sudden drop in blood pressure. i say this because it happened right after i had been sitting down for a few hours and took a huge strech this has happened too my friend the exact same way.

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Ringing in the ear doesnt usually indicate stroke, I dont think. But the blacking out is something I would worry about.


I get ringing in my ear every so often. I used to get it a lot when I was little, along with ear infections. I had a tube put into my left ear and that helped with the ringing and the ear infections. I think ringing in the ear can also indicate ear problems like a deficiency of the fluid in your inner ear. You have fluid in your inner ear that helps you with your equilibrium and with dizziness and stuff. If there is an imbalance, you can have ringing along with some equilibrium problems.


A few years ago I had ear surgery to correct a hearing problem. The surgey was botched up and caused some problems with the fluid level in my inner ear. I had equilibrium problems for weeks after that, to the point that I had to stay in bed since when I got up, I would get really dizzy.

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Generally ringing in the ear is called tinnitus... but that's a constant ringing, high pitched kind of tone that you get in your ear like after concerts and being exposed to loud noises for a long time. If it is tinnitus, I don't think there's a need for concern, but maybe you should go to the Doctor just to make sure.

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I have permanent tinnitus in my right ear. Had it for 7-8 years now, a persistent high-pitched whistling noise. Tinnitus is a hard thing to diagnose because it has many causes. Loud noises are the most obvious one. It can also be caused by excessive fluid in the ears, a blow to the head, high blood pressure or stress. My own was a combination of loud noise (a new hearing aid was set wrong and basically "blasted" my ear) and stress.


I went to various specialists but mine was not "curable."


Yours may be different so it might be good to discuss it with a doctor or audiologist.

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