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First Date!


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I used to know this guy about 7 years ago. We were both youngish (20 or so) and just messed around a bit. Mainly we sent pretty steamy text messages/e-mails to each other.

He recently got in touch with me via text and suggested meeting up. We arranged it for Sunday this week as that was the nearest time we both had free.

I used to really like him and in the years since have often wondered about him. Now becaause of this I am really nervous about the date.

I'm not syre what advice I really need but basicaly I want to know how to make this date perfect, how to keep conversation flowing and how to let him know that I'm a bit more grown up than the randy girl I used to be!!!!

Any advice would be appreciated!

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Just be yourself Bloomer and throw away that nervousness in the trash. You're both changed and grown up people now, let things happen naturally. As for making a date perfect, you cant, no one can, because it does not depend on just you, it depends equally as much on him. Just go out and have fun with this guy.

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Sounds like fun! Just make a mental list of things to talk about (movies, books, events, whatever) as chatting about the good old days will only last so long. If you still like him, you can admit you are a little nervous - I'm betting he will be too! That will kind of losen things up and you can both laugh about that.

Relax! It'll probably be easier than are anticipating

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